EENI Global Business School

Modules of International Business (Master)

Areas of Knowledge: International Business (Courses, Doctorate and Masters, e-learning)

EENI Global Business School offers the following Areas of Knowledge related to International Business:

Areas of Knowledge: International Business ECTS
1 Globalization/International Organizations 6
2 Foreign Trade (structure) 28
3 International Marketing (structure) 26
4 Internationalization (structure) 7
5 Business in Africa (structure) (map) 176
6 Business in Europe (structure) (map) 108
7 Business in Asia (structure) (map) 130
8 Business in the Arab Countries (structure) 24
9 Business in America (structure) (map) 111
10 Religions and International Business (structure) (map) 57
11 No to Corruption (structure) 4
12 World Economic Areas (structure) 26
13 International Economics 28
14 Languages for International Business (free multilingual training) 54
Total 785

African Student, Master / Doctorate International Business

Download: Area of Knowledge: International Business (PDF).

EENI offer a number of Diplomas, Courses, Master's and Doctoral in international business. The student can also customise their training according to their professional objectives by selecting knowledge areas and subjects that he/she wants.

The student can thus design his training program: course, diploma, master or doctorate.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

  1. Master 1. 60 ECTS Credits credits (
    1-year It is recommended to dedicate about twelve hours of study per week following a flexible schedule. It is possible to reduce the duration dedicating more hours a week
    duration) (structure)
  2. Master 2. 120 ECTS credits (two years)
    1. Thesis of the Master: between 9 and 20 ECTS
  3. Doctorate (180 ECTS). Students can choose the subjects proposed by EENI according to the selected research line with a minimum of 20 ECTS credits and a maximum of 60 ECTS (structure)
  4. Diploma. between 20 and 59 ECTS
  5. Course. between 4 and 19 ECTS

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

EENI offers two types of enrollment for Higher Education Programs (Courses, Master's Programs and Doctorate):

  1. Master's Programs and Doctorate: the student enrols in a chosen academic program, follows the program in its totality and he/she obtains the corresponding diploma (Master or Doctorate)
    1. Fees: € 1,000 per year (€ 17 per ECTS / CECT)
  2. Certification training: the student enrols for specific subjects of an academic program according to his needs and possibilities. The validation of a subject includes an e-certificate. When the student succeeds all the subjects of an academic program, he/she will obtain the corresponding diploma.
    1. Fees: €24 per ECTS


  1. PDF: Download the syllabus and objectives of the module
  2. ECTS = European Transfer and Accumulation System

Globalization and International Organizations

Area of Knowledge: Globalization/international Organizations (6 ECTS) (PDF) ECTS
Globalization 2
International Organizations
  1. World Trade Organization (WTO)
  2. World Bank
  3. IMF, UN...
Area of Knowledge: Foreign Trade (28 ECTS) (PDF) (structure) ECTS
Key concepts related to foreign trade 2
Import/export documents 1
Incoterms 2
Customs 4
International Transport and Logistics (PDF) (structure)
  1. Maritime transport
  2. Multimodal / Combined transport
  3. Road transport
  4. Air transport
  5. Rail transport
International Payment Methods 4
International Finance 4
International Contracts 2
Export Department 1
International Trade in Services 2
Area of Knowledge: International Marketing (26 ECTS) (PDF) (structure) ECTS
International marketing 1
International Market Research 2
Product Strategies 2
Export prices 1
International Promotion 5
International Distribution Strategies 5
Segmentation, brand and positioning 4
Intercultural Management 3
E-business and International Business 3
  1. Diploma: International Marketing
Area of Knowledge: internationalization (7 ECTS) (structure) ECTS
Internationalization of Export Companies 3
Foreign direct investment (FDI) 3
Influence of terrorism on the international business 1
Area of Knowledge: Business in Africa (176 ECTS) (structure) (map) ECTS
African Institutions (PDF) (structure) 5
African Business and Economy (PDF) (structure) 5
African Economic Transformation (PDF) (structure) 5
Business in the Maghreb (PDF) (structure) 9
Business in Western Africa (PDF) (structure) 33
Business in Central Africa (PDF) (structure) 26
Business in Southern Africa (PDF) (structure) 14
Business in Eastern Africa (PDF) (structure) 41
Transport and Logistics in Africa (PDF) (structure) 15
African Regional Integration (PDF) (structure) 8
International Relations of Africa (PDF) (structure) 10
History of Africa 4
Introduction to the African languages 1
  1. Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa (structure)
  2. Master in International Transport and Logistics in Africa
  3. Doctorate specialization in African Business (structure)
Area of Knowledge: Business in Europe (108 ECTS) (structure) (map) ECTS
European Union (PDF) (structure) 3
European Single Market (PDF) (structure) 4
EU International Relations (PDF) (structure) (agreements) 8
Export to the European Union (PDF) (structure) 2
  1. Doctorate specialization in European Business
Area of Knowledge: Religions and International Business (57 ECTS) (structure) (map) ECTS
Islam (PDF) (structure) 19
Christianity (PDF) (structure)
Catholicism (structure)
Protestantism (structure)
Orthodoxy (PDF) (structure) 1
Indian Religions (PDF)
  1. Hinduism (structure)
  2. Jainism (structure)
  3. Zoroastrianism (structure)
  4. Sikhism (structure)
Buddhism (PDF) (structure) 5
Chinese Religions (PDF)
  1. Taoism (structure)
  2. Confucianism (structure)
Other Religions or philosophies (PDF)
  1. Judaism (structure)
  2. Agnosticism
  3. African Traditional Religions
  4. Bahá'í Faith
Global Ethics (PDF)
  1. Harmony between the religions
  2. Ahimsa (Nonviolence)
  1. Doctorate in Global Ethics, Religions and Business
Area of Knowledge: No to Corruption (4 ECTS) (PDF) (structure) ECTS
No to Corruption in International Business 4

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Módulos Negocios Internacionales Study Doctorate in International Business in French Modules Affaires Internationales Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Módulos negócios internacionais Sa .

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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