Certificate: Business in the MaghrebMorocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Arab Maghreb Union (Online Professional Certificate)Seven subjects compose the Professional Certificate “Trade and Business in the Maghreb” (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania) taught by EENI Global Business School:
The main objective of the Professional Certificate is to provide an overview of the Maghrebian Economy and the business opportunities in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania).
Professional Certificate intended for all those wanting to specialize in the Maghrebian Markets.
Language: Issuance of the Professional Certificate To obtain the Professional Certificate, the student must carry out an International Marketing Plan for these markets (for a specific product or service) or a Project to Set Up a Company (branch, subsidiary…) in one of the analyzed countries and send it to EENI. Once evaluated, the student will receive the “Professional Certificate in Foreign Trade and Business in the Maghreb” issued by EENI Global Business School in digital format. EENI Online Higher Education Programs: Doctorate in African Business. Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade. Doing Business in the Maghrebian Countries:
Economic Integration in the Maghreb.
Trade Agreements with the other civilizations:
Trade Relations with the EU
Note: Libya is a member of the COMESA, the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Agreement, and the COMESA-United States agreement. Logistics in the Maghreb. African Highways Networks: Largest Maghrebian Ports: Sample of the Professional Certificate - Foreign Trade and Business in the Maghreb includes the Market Access Tool: Sample: (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |