Doctorate in African Business, e-learningAfrican Economy. Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda. Doctorate in African Business (online)The objectives of the Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) specialization in African Business (3 years, 180 ECTS, ) taught by EENI Global Business School are to train the doctoral student to be able to research on topics related to business in Africa: Thus, a Doctoral Student can apply creative solutions and take the appropriated business decisions related to the African Markets.
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Intended for graduates and professionals who wish to continue their professional career in the field of international business with an emphasis in Africa. The Doctorate in African Business is part of the category of the Doctorate in International Business (DIB), which has the dual aim of contributing to the knowledge and practice. A Doctorate in African Business that fits your schedule and helps you to get a better job. Language of the Doctorate:
Doctorat en Affaires en Afrique Doctorado en Negocios en África Doutoramento em Negócios na África.
To facilitate the subject selection, these are organized into several blocks. Students work within one or more of the following subject areas.
EENI Students in Burkina Faso
Institutions are Leading the African Socio-Economic Transformation (5 ECTS). African Business and Economy (5 ECTS).
African Economic Transformation (5 ECTS).
Download the syllabus “African Economic Transformation” (PDF). Doing Business in Southern Africa (14 ECTS). Regional Integration in Southern Africa. There are two economic communities in Southern Africa: It must also take into account the COMESA, and COMESA-EAC-SADC Agreement. All the Southern African Countries belong to the SADC and the tripartite agreement. The Southern African Countries with sea access:
The Landlocked markets of Southern Africa:
Largest ports in Southern Africa. Doing Business in East Africa (41 ECTS). Regional Economic Integration in East Africa:
Other East African regional institutions.
The East African Countries with sea access:
Landlocked markets of East Africa:
Island Countries of East Africa:
Largest East African Ports and transport corridors. Doing Business in Central Africa (26 ECTS). Regional Economic Integration in Central Africa.
Largest ports in Central Africa. The Central African Countries with sea access:
Landlocked markets of Central Africa:
Island countries of Central Africa:
Doing Business in West Africa (33 ECTS). In West Africa, there are three key economic institutions:
It is also necessary to consider the existence of:
West African Countries with sea access:
Landlocked markets of West Africa:
Island Countries of West Africa.
Largest ports in West Africa. Doing Business in the Maghreb (9 ECTS).
Largest Maghrebian Ports. Transport in Africa (15 ECTS).
Download the syllabus “Transport and Logistics in Africa” (PDF). African Economic Integration (8 ECTS).
Download the syllabus “Regional Integration in Africa” (PDF). International Relations of Africa (8 ECTS).
Download the syllabus “International Relations of Africa” (PDF).
To be admitted to the Doctorate, the students must have earned a Master's Degree.
You must send by e-mail a certified photocopy of your diploma of master. This is necessary for the issuance of your diploma and not to enroll. The students who pass the assessments and thesis will receive the Diploma of Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) specialization in African Business issued by EENI Global Business School. The Diploma of Professional Doctorate is awarded after assessing:
Once defended and overcame the thesis, the Doctoral Student will receive its diploma. EENI African Students:
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |