EENI Global Business School

Economic Community Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)

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Syllabus of the Subject

Economic Integration (Great Lakes Region) Burundi, DR Congo, Rwanda

  1. Introduction to the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)
  2. Bodies of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region
    1. International Society for Electricity in the Great Lakes Region (SINELAC)
  3. Regional Economic Programme
  4. Economic Integration, investment, and trade promotion in the Great Lakes Region: Burundi, the DR Congo, and Rwanda
  5. Private Sector Forum of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)
  6. Northern Corridor

Sample - Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region:
Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region: Burundi, the DR Congo (DRC), and Rwanda

The objectives of the subject “Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)” are the following:

  1. To understand the objectives of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)
  2. To evaluate the benefits for the member countries
  3. To analyze the cooperation areas (trade promotion, economic integration...) and the programs of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)

Student, Online Doctorate in International Business

In 1976 was created the Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) by the Republic of Burundi, the DR Congo (DRC), and the Republic of Rwanda.

The Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL) is an East African Economic Community.

The main objectives of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes are:

  1. Economic and social development among the member countries (free movement of persons, fostering the Foreign Trade)
  2. Peace promotion in the region (Burundi, the DR Congo, and Rwanda)
  3. Strategic development: Energy, Infrastructure, Agriculture, and Food Security

Between 1997 and 2007, the Economic Community of the Great Lakes was paralyzed (Genocide in Rwanda, civil war in Burundi and the DR Congo). In 2009 was reactivated.

Market Access - Trade Agreements

The Specialized Institutions of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region are:

  1. Development Bank of the Great Lakes Countries
  2. Institute for Agricultural Research and Animal Husbandry
  3. Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries for Energy
  4. International Society for Electricity in the Great Lakes Region

The Economic Community of the Great Lakes (CEPGL):

  1. Population: 84 million people
  2. Area: 2,400,000 km²
  3. Headquarters: Rwanda
  4. Main religion of the Great Lakes: Christianity
  5. Main language in the region: French

African Northern Corridor (Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, and Uganda)

The Economic Community of the Great Lakes belongs to the African Civilization.

  1. East African Economic Area
  2. Central African Economic Area

Note. Not be confused with the Conference on the Great Lakes Region.

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(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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