Christianity, Ethics and Business (Course)Catholics, Protestants, Orthodoxy (Course, Christianity and Business)One-third of Humanity is a Christian. The Professional Course “Christianity, Ethics and Business” (21 ECTS) taught by EENI Global Business School consists of six Subjects:
Appendix: Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery and its Impact on African, European and American Socio-economic Development.
This course belongs to the following Higher Education Programs taught by EENI: Doctorate: Ethics, Religions, and International Business, African Business. Masters: Religions and Business, International Business, Business in Africa. Languages:
The objectives of the course are the following:
“He went about doing good.” Acts 10,34 Note: Orthodox Christianity is not analyzed in this course but in the course Orthodoxy and Business. This course contains exercises that are evaluated, which the student must work out and pass to obtain the Diploma of the Professional Course: “Christianity, Ethics and Business” issued by EENI Global Business School. Modules of the Course 1 - Introduction to Christianity
Some Christian Spiritual Leaders.
“Whatever you want people to do to you, do the same for them, for in this the Law and the Prophets are summed up.” Christian Golden Rule. 2 - Catholicism and Business:
3 - Protestantism and Business:
Other Christian Denominations: 4- Christian Businesspeople African Christian Businesswomen.
The figures of two important African politics are also studied:
African Christian Businesspeople
American Christian Businesspeople.
5- Economic Areas of Western Civilization
6- The role of Agnosticism and Judaism in the economic areas of Western Civilization
Jewish businessmen
Giving Pledge: the largest philanthropic initiative in the world created by the Americans:
Appendix: Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery and its Impact on the African, European and American Socio-economic Development.
Note: the impact of the slave trade carried out by the Arab countries is not included in the course. With a history of 2,000 years, Christianity is the religion with more followers, 2,300 million worldwide, followed by Islam (1,977 million) and Hinduism (950 million). Approximately there are 7,000 million people Worldwide, i.e., approximately: Christianity is spread worldwide. In 1910 (according to PewForum) had about 600 million Christians, 66% of Christians lived in Europe. “Love your neighbor as yourself” Luke 10:27 However, today Europe represents only 26% (565 million) of Christianity, America (37%, 804 million) surpasses Europe, Africa has 24% (516 million) of Christians, and the Asia-Pacific region has 13% (285 million). From this point of view: Christianity is probably the most globalized of all religions. Christianity shares spaces with virtually all the Religions of the World: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. This privileged position should be one of his strengths, and thus a key player in the inter-religious dialogue and the pursuit of a Global Ethics model. This geographic diversity allows us to better understand Christianity. Christianity is lived very differently by a Catholic from the Philippines or Spain, by a Russian Orthodox or by a North American Protestant. In many countries and regions (especially in Africa) it should be taken into account the syncretism with Animist religions (African Traditional Religions). Christianity is present in the historic opulence of the Vatican, but also on a modest mission in Central America. The Christian Civilization has seen the birth of great holy men (St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, Teresa of Calcutta, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Albert Schweitzer, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Martin Luther King, Vincent Ferrer, Hans Kung, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King), but also has led to the emergence of the great Satan of the history of humanity (Hitler, Stalin) These Satan have emerged when a totalitarian state replaces religion. We must be able to differentiate the simple message of Jesus, based on love, on the actions committed by the Church throughout its history; we must be able to prosecute these actions as fruits of the human being. Only thus; we can understand the beautiful message of Christianity: Love, non-violence, social justice, and peace among men. “Love is patient and kind. We must never forget that all three religions of the book, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have common roots: The three are monotheistic - share the same God, are “historical-prophetic” religions and the ethical principles are very similar. Like Judaism and Islam, Christianity is a historical religion, focused on the figure of one of the spiritual geniuses of humanity: The Jewish Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus shares many principles with other great spiritual geniuses of the history. Almost all of them left nothing written, did not have or reneging of their possessions, surely they did not know writing; we hardly know anything about their lives, especially of his youth. Moreover, none of them wanted to create any religion; they were primarily reformers. Jesus, like Buddha, Mahavira, Mohammed or Lao-tse, brought a message of liberation, of renewal, based primarily on Non-Violence and love to the neighbor, a true social revolution. The concept of Christian love should be a fundamental component of a global ethic. It is important to reflect that we have so little information about his life, and today, 2,000 years later, the spiritual figure that most people worship in the World. Moreover, it is also important to be aware that both Hinduism (900 million) as Muslim (1,977 million) consider him a holy man. “He has sent down upon you, the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. Moreover, He revealed the Torah (law of Moses) and the Gospel of Jesus (Isa), as a guide to humanity, and he sent the criteria between the goodness and badness.” Holy Qur'an, Sura 3 “The same God was revealed, incarnate in Christ, speaking through the Prophet Muhammad, or like Vishnu the Preserver or Shiva the Finisher” Sri Ramakrishna. Catholics, Orthodox, and Copts share the same Seven Sacraments.
Why study the course “Christianity, Ethics and Business”?. This Professional Course is aimed primarily at those executives and companies wishing to do business in the countries where Christianity, Catholicism (50% of all Christendom) and Protestantism (37%), is the majority religion. These “Christian” countries make up the Economic Area of Western Civilization, made up of the European Economic Area (26% of Christianity), the American Economic Area (37%), the African Economic Area (24%) and the Oceanian Economic Area. In these markets, the influence of Christianity is very important in the way of doing business and in its culture. Christianity is the largest religion in the world (2,300 million), that is: one third of humanity is Christian. 126 countries have a Christian majority, while 71 countries have a significant Christian minority. Anyone who does not belong to the Western Civilization (Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sinic...) should know the pillars of Christianity, both Catholicism and Protestantism, and how they influence the way of doing business of the western companies, which can be very different compared to the companies of other economic areas, and thus avoid the intercultural conflicts (more information). (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |