EENI Global Business School

Economic Area, Western-Christian Civilization

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Syllabus of the Subject

Economic Integration, Western Civilization (America, Europe, Oceania)

  1. Introduction to the Economic Area of the Western Civilization
  2. The common factor: Christianity.
    1. Catholicism
    2. Protestantism
    3. Judaism and Agnosticism in the West
  3. Cultural and economic areas of Western Civilization
    1. European Economic Area
    2. American Economic Area
      1. Hispanic American Economic Area
      2. North American Economic Area
      3. Caribbean Economic Area
    3. Economic Area of Oceania
  4. Economic Integration of Western Civilization
  5. Economic relations with the other civilizations
  6. Christian Businessman

Christianity in America, the continent with the largest number of Christians, Brazil, Mexico, Chile

Online Students, Master in International Business and Foreign Trade

The Subject “Economic Area of Western Civilization” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: Religions & Business, International Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: Ethics, Religions & Business, World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Course: Christianity & Business.

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Why study “Christianity and Business”?.

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Civilización Cristiana Study Doctorate in International Business in French Civilizacion Chretienne Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Civilização Cristã.

Economic Area of the Western-Christian Civilization. Economic Integration.

From a culture and economic integration point of view; we can identify three distinct economic and cultural areas:

  1. European Economic Area
  2. American Economic Area
  3. Oceania Economic Area

Civilizations and Economic Integration

1- European Economic Area.

Today, Germany is the Central State, while France and the UK have a significant influence. After centuries of war, the EU has achieved integrate twenty-eight European Countries (until BREXIT). The EU is the largest trading bloc in the World accounting for 19% of the global trade.

2. American Economic Area.

From the cultural, historical, and economic integration point of view we can identify three sub-areas:

2. 1 North American Economic Area (United States and Canada). The U.S. is the world's political leader and leads the world economy.

2.2. Hispanic American Economic Area. The Hispanic America Countries seek to integrate their economies (UNASUR, ALADI, ALBA, MERCOSUR, Andean Community). Latin America seeks its identity based on a shared history (former colonies), language (Spanish and Portuguese), religious (Christianity), ethnic (although we should consider the existence of different ethnic groups).

2.3 Caribbean Economic Area.

3. Economic Area of Oceania.

Characteristics of Western Civilization:

  1. Religion: Catholicism and Protestantism
  2. Classical Legacy: Greek philosophy, Roman law, and Christianity
  3. Languages deriving from Latin: the Western Civilization is rich in languages, and most derive from Latin, although there are exceptions like Hungarian, Basque, or the Amerindian languages in Hispanic America (Iberian America)
  4. Church and State Separation
  5. Rule of law. Notion that respect for law is one of the foundations of the society is a legacy of the Romans
  6. Strength of the civil society
  7. Institutions
  8. Individualism
  9. Furthermore, the European and the North American Countries are members of the NATO

Civilizations and economic integration

Religions and Business.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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