EENI Global Business School

Masters in International Business, Foreign Trade

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Online Master's Degrees: International Business, Foreign Trade, Logistics, Africa, Religions

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

The 21th edition of the Masters of Science (MSc) in international business MIB (e-learning) taught by EENI Global Business School is designed to provide all the knowledge, tools, and techniques related to Global Business, Logistics and Foreign Trade.

EENI offers 7 Professional Master's Degrees related to International Business & Foreign Trade (Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English)

Masters M1: 1 year / 60 ECTS / 1,000 Euros

1- Master in Foreign Trade.

2- Master in International Transport and Logistics.

3- Master in Transport in Africa.

4- Master in Religions and International Business.

5- Master in Bhagavad Gita

Masters M2: 2 years / 120 ECTS / 2,000 Euros

Master in International Business

Customized Master MC: 60 ECTS (1 year, 1,000 Euros) or 120 ECTS (2 years, 2,000 Euros)

  1. Master in Business in Africa

African Students (Masters, Courses, Foreign Trade, Business)

Alliances with educational institutions to jointly teach Master's Degrees.

Fees, ECTS credits and financing of Master's Degrees:

1-Year Masters (60 ECTS, € 1,000).

  1. Cash Payment (at enrollment date): 10% of discount. Amount to pay: € 900
  2. Payment with EENI financing:
    1. 70% at enrollment date: € 700,
    2. 30% at the end of the Master: € 300

2-Year Masters (120 ECTS, € 2.000).

  1. Cash Payment (at enrollment date): 10% of discount. Amount to pay: € 1,800
  2. Payment with EENI financing:
    1. 70% at enrollment date: € 1,400,
    2. 30% at the end of the Master: € 600

ECTS Credits: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

EENI Mission: facilitate global access to Higher Education at affordable fees.

Languages of the Masters: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English

  1. Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Master Negocios Internacionales, Study Doctorate in International Business in French Master en affaires internationales Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Mestrado em Negócios Internacionais
  2. For improving the international communication skills, the student has free access to the learning materials (subjects) in these languages (free multilingual training).The student can review the subjects in whatever language and use one of the four languages as a vehicular language of the campus and to complete the exercises
  3. The student can do the exercises or communicate with professors in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese
  4. The student can send their questions, exercises or thesis in English, regardless of the language of the subject. For example, a student can study the subject "Doing Business in Senegal" in French, but complete her exercises in English
  5. If you want to study in a single language, do not Enroll in a bilingual Master's Degree

Online Enrollment Procedure (continuous)

Online Enrollment procedure (Master, Doctorate) EENI

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

  1. Students can begin the master at any time (open enrollment) and study from anywhere in the world without any displacement
  2. It is recommended to dedicate about twelve hours of study per week following a flexible schedule
  3. It is possible to reduce the duration of the Master dedicating more hours a week
  4. All Master's Degrees are taught online
  5. Master's Degrees are based on the application of the case method
  6. Admission Form
  7. EENI Study Methodology

How to choose an Online Master in International Business?

In addition to personal or professional preferences, please note:

  1. Access requirements for each Master's Degree (previous knowledge)
  2. If you do not have previous knowledge of foreign trade, discard those that need this knowledge
  3. If you want to study in a single language, select the master's degrees in English
  4. If you are fluent in Spanish, French or Portuguese, select the bilingual Master's Degrees
  5. The duration of the Master's Degree: 1 year (M1, 60 ECTS) or 2 years (M2, 120 ECT)

African Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

Each Master's Degree has a series of continuous assessment exercises and a final Master's Thesis. The student must pass them to obtain her Diploma of «Professional Master in ...»

The professional Master's Degree is issued by EENI Global Business School (Spain, European Union). It is necessary to present a certified or authenticated photocopy of the Bachelor's Degree (This is necessary for the issuance of your diploma and not to enrol).

Those students, who are not in possession of a Bachelor's Degree, may Enroll but receiving the “Advanced Certificate Program in...”

The Master's Degrees are aimed at businessmen, entrepreneurs, export directors, sales managers, professors, consultants, companies related to international business, as well as to all those who wish to develop international business. Anyone linked to foreign trade may benefit from these Master's Degrees.

The philosophy of the Master's Degrees is “Think globally, act locally and work digitally.” That is, the student will be able to develop international business and marketing strategies, adapt them to all target markets and apply new technologies in the internationalization process.

Each master includes the Market Access Tool:
Market Access, International Trade (Course Master Doctorate)

Related Programs:

  1. Doctorate in World Trade
  2. Diplomas: Foreign Trade, International Transport

21th edition of the Professional Master in International Business

More than one hundred students from over 100 countries and four continents:

EENI World
The student is placed in a global atmosphere where the professors, as well as the fellow students, are spread around the world.

EENI Professors:
EENI Global Business School Professors

A team of professors will respond to student's questions and evaluate the exercises.

EENI Middle East and Maghrebian Students:
EENI Middle East Students (Master, Doctorate, Global, Business)

EENI European Students:
Online European Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

EENI African Students:
African Students (Doctorate Master International Business / Foreign Trade)

EENI American Students:
American Students (Master in International Business)

EENI Asian Students:
Online Asian Students (Doctorate, Master, Business, International Trade)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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