EENI Global Business School

Nadhmi Auchi. Chaldean Businessman, UK

Chaldean Businessman: Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraq, UK)

  1. Nadhmi Auchi Shakir (Iraqi Chaldean Businessman)
  2. Anglo-Arab Organization
  3. General Mediterranean Holding
  4. Vision of the need for the dialogue between religions of Nadhmi Auchi Shakir

Sample - Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraqi Chaldean Businessman)
Nadhmi Shakir Chaldean Businessman

Online Student Master in International Business

The Subject “Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraqi Chaldean Businessman)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: Ethics, Religions & Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: Religions & Business, International Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Course: Christianity & Business.

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Nadhmi Shakir Auchi Study Doctorate in International Business in French Nadhmi Shakir Auchi Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Nadhmi Shakir Auchi.

Foreign Trade and Business in the Middle East

Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraqi Businessman).

Nadhmi Auch Shakir was born on June 11, 1937; he is a British - Iraqi business person and billionaire, and the founder and president of the Anglo-Arab organization.

  1. Nadhmi Shakir Auchy is also the founder and chairperson of the General Mediterranean Holding (GMH), a conglomerate of 120 companies worldwide
  2. In 2012 his net worth was estimated by Forbes at 1,800 million dollars (854th richest person in the World)
  3. Before 1980, Nadhmi Auchi had created several companies involved in trade and construction in Iraq, but in 1980 he had to leave Iraq
  4. The General Mediterranean Holding Group was created in 1979; today consists of 120 companies in which they work about 11,000 workers, covering several sectors: banking, property (real estate), construction, hotels, industrial, pharmacy, and communication
  5. The group is present in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, the Americas, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Pacific
  6. The results reflect improving the trading conditions, following two years of depressed economic activity
  7. The total comprehensive income increased to €34 million, and operating profit to €16 million. Before exceptional items, total comprehensive income was €67 million and operating profit was €49 million
  8. The Group's prudent approach to managing its balance sheet is reflected in the total assets and net assets remaining stable at €2.1 billion and €1.1 billion respectively

Nadhmi Shakir Auchy and his wife are Christian Chaldeans (Babylonian Chaldean Catholic Church - Eastern Catholic), through his Foundation, they aim to promote the dialogue between the religions, the unity among the Arab States and build bridges between the West and the Arab world through philanthropy.

Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and International Business. Jainism

In recognition of his business and philanthropic activities throughout the world, Nadhmi Shakir Auch has received numerous awards.

Nadhmi Shakir Auchi belongs to the Arab Economic Area.

Religions and Business.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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