Business in Zambia, Lusaka. Zambian Economy
Zambia: largest exporter of copper (Foreign Trade, Logistics). African Frontier Market
- Introduction to the Republic of Zambia (Southern Africa)
- Zambian Economy
- Foreign Trade of Zambia
- Zambian Customs Excise Act
- Zambia Free Trade Agreements
- Business and Investment Opportunities in Zambia
- Infrastructures
- Energy
- Agriculture
- Tourism
- Case Study:
- Zambian mining sector
- Zambeef Company
- Monica Katebe Musonda
- Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ)
- Access to the Zambian Market
- Transport and Logistics
- Business Plan for Zambia

The aims of the subject “Foreign Trade, Logistics and Business in Zambia”
are the following:
- To analyze the Zambian Economy, Logistics and Global Trade
- To identify business opportunities in Zambia
- To explore the Zambian trade relations with the student's country
- To know the Zambian Trade Agreements
- To examine the profile of Zambian Companies
- To develop a business plan for the Zambian Market

International Trade, Logistics and Business in Zambia.
Zambia is the largest African copper and cobalt
Zambia is an African Frontier Market.

- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
- Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
- Agreement on Safeguards
- Trade Facilitation Agreement
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Kyoto Convention
- COTIF Convention (Rail)
- Chicago Convention (ICAO)
- International Maritime Organization
- Hamburg Rules (Sea)

Zambia is a landlocked African Country.
- Zambian Population: 16.6 million people
- Zambia is one of the most highly urbanized countries in the African Continent
- Zambian Area: 752,618 km²
- Capital of Zambia: Lusaka (2 million people, 60% unemployed)
- Business in
Lusaka, Kitwe and Chipata
- Zambian official language: English. 85 local languages
- Zambia shares borders with eight African Countries: Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Namibia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe
More information about Zambia (EENI African Business Portal).
Main Religions in Zambia:
- African Traditional Religions
Christianity (75%), 4.5 million Methodist
- Baha'i faith

Zambia belongs to the Southern African Economic Area.

Economic Profile of Zambia.
- Zambian GDP growth rate: 6.5 (2013), 7.3% (2012), and 6.8% (2011)
- Main contributors to the GDP of Zambia: agriculture (12.2%), mining (8%), manufacturing (11.2%), and construction (13.0%)
- Zambia is a African frontier market
- Top Zambian sectors: Copper Mining Industry, agriculture, energy, manufacturing, and tourism
- Zambian GDP per capita 377 dollars
- Inflation rate: 7.3%
- Merchandise imports (% of the GDP): 39
- Merchandise exports (% of the GDP): 45
- Copper: 70% of the export earnings of Zambia
- Zambia: 20% of the World's emerald production
- Investment into Zambia: 4 billion dollars
- Legal System of Zambia: Common Law
- Currency of Zambia: Zambian Kwacha (ZMW) = 100 Ngwee
- Abundance of mineral deposits and water
- High transport costs (Landlocked country)
International Trade and Business in Zambia:

Zambian mining sector:

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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