EENI Global Business School

Thesis - Research Topics, Doctorate Africa, Online

Doctorate in African Business (Research / Thesis) Continental Free-Trade Area

Doctorate Specialization in African Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Doctorate in African Business, Online

In the admission process, the Doctorate Supervisor will assign a tutor to the Doctoral Student, who will be the responsible to coordinate the student activities in the Doctoral programme.

Furthermore, a Thesis Supervisor (Director) is assigned.

  1. The Thesis Supervisor will guide the student in thesis planning; he is the ultimately responsible for the consistency and novelty of the thesis
  2. Tutor and Supervisor (Director) can match
  3. Co-direction of thesis is also allowed

Thesis Defense (Video conference) Doctorate in International Business

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

Research Work and Thesis Plan (40 ECTS) of the Doctorate in African Business.

With the support of the Thesis Supervisor (Director), the Doctoral Student must perform the appropriate research that will lead to the realization of his thesis plan. The Doctoral Student must prepare and submit a thesis plan, which, as a minimum, should include the provisional thesis title, objectives pursued, methodology to be used, means and schedule.

The Doctoral Student must study the “Research methodology” module, which will introduce to the thesis preparation method.

EENI highly appreciates that the thesis results could benefit the development of the African continent.

Thesis and Thesis Defense (120 ECTS).

Under the supervision of the Thesis Supervisor, the Doctoral Student develops and presents the research results. The Doctoral Student can select their subject areas within the research parameters proposed by EENI, creating a thesis that must be completely original and own, which will be published on the EENI platform set up for this purpose.

The Directorate may authorise the thesis deposit like a compendium of publications if the requirements established by the Directorate are fulfilled.

Thesis Defense by video conference.

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

African Students (Masters, Courses, Foreign Trade, Business)

Paterson Ngatchou - EENI Strategic Alliances with educational institutions
EENI Partnerships with Educational Institutions

African Economic Integration

Examples of research topics related to Africa.

  1. Economic spaces of the African Civilization
  2. Role of the African Women in business
  3. African strategic sectors (mining, agriculture, services)
  4. African manufacturing sector
  5. Strengths and weaknesses of the African Countries
  6. Regional integration in Africa
  7. African Common Market
  8. Intra-African Trade
  9. African Continental Free-Trade Area (AfCFTA)
  10. Role of the African Economic Institutions
  11. Regional economic communities
  12. Interconnections among the African Markets
  13. African customs
  14. Information technology and commerce in Africa
  15. Mobile revolution in Africa
  16. Logistics and transport in Africa
  17. Infrastructure in Africa
  18. Investment in Africa
  19. African value chains
  20. Development of the African private sector
  21. International Relations of Africa
  22. Africa and the global market
  23. African frontier markets
  24. Emergence of the African Businessman
  25. Economic governance in Africa
  26. Corruption in Africa
  27. Illicit financial flows
  28. Islam and Christianity in Africa
  29. African demographic dividend
  30. Growth of the African cities
  31. African emerging middle-class
  32. Conflict reduction and their impact on business
  33. Africa's relations with Asia (China, India, BRICS Countries, Arab countries)
  34. African Civilization
  35. Effects of the colonization
  36. African Diaspora
  37. Impact of the slave trade
  38. Independence of the African nations...

African Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

Abdoul Karim Ouandaogo (EENI Alumni)
Ouandaogo Abdoul Karim (Student of the Master in International Business, University of Ouagadougou & EENI) winner of a WAEMU regional award.

Study Doctorate in International Business in French Doctorat Afrique Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Doctorado Africa Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Doutoramento Africa.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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