EENI Global Business School

Business in Central Africa

Diploma “Foreign Trade and Business in Central Africa” (e-learning, 26 ECTS, Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English)

Online Module: Business in Central Africa

The main subjects analyzed in the Module “Foreign Trade and Business in Central Africa” (Angola, Cameroon, Congo...) taught by EENI Global Business School are:

Business in Central Africa: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad...

  1. The Central African Economic Area of the African Civilization
  2. Economic Integration in the Central African region
  3. Business in the Central African Countries (Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, the DR Congo, Rwanda, and São Tomé)
  4. Central African businesspeople
  5. Logistics in Central Africa
    1. Trans-African Roads
    2. Main Central African Ports
  6. Other regional economic institutions and trade agreements related to Central Africa
  7. Business Plan for the Central African Markets

Online Continuing education (Masters, Modules, Foreign Trade, Business)

  1. Credits: 26 ECTS Credits
  2. Duration: 5
    months It is recommended to dedicate about twelve hours of study per week following a flexible schedule. It is possible to reduce the duration dedicating more hours a week
  3. Download the syllabus (PDF)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English

  1. Also
    available in For improving the international communication skills, the student has free access to the learning materials in these languages (free multilingual training).
    Study, Module Master Doctorate in International Business in French Afrique Centrale Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Africa Central Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Africa Central

This Module belongs to the following Higher Education Programs taught by EENI:

Master in Business in Africa, International Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate in African Business, World Trade

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Business in Central Africa:
Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC): Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Chad.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

The main objective of the Module is to provide an overview of the Central African Economy and the business opportunities in order:

  1. To learn to do business in Central Africa (Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, the DR Congo, Rwanda, and São Tomé)
  2. To identify business opportunities in the Central African Markets
  3. To analyze Foreign trade, Logistics and Foreign direct investment flows in the Central African countries
  4. To understand the importance of the CEMAC (Central African Economic and Monetary Community), ECCAS (Economic Community of Central African States), and CEN-SAD (Community of Sahel-Saharan States)
  5. To know the Trade Agreements related to the Central African Countries
  6. To know the main Central African business person
  7. To know the largest ports and Trans-African Corridors in the Central African Markets
  8. To design a business plan for the Central African Markets

Diploma intended for all those wanting to specialize in the Central African markets.

African Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

Port of Lobito, Angola. Benguela Railway. Access to DR Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Maritime Transport Module

1- Regional Economic Integration in Central Africa.

The Central African Economic Area (PDF) of the African Civilization.

African Economic Integration

Central African Economic Integration (Doctorate, Master, Module)

In Central Africa, there are two main regional economic integration processes:

  1. Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
  2. Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)

Furthermore, the Central African Countries belongs to other economic communities and regional institutions:

  2. Southern African Development Community (SADC)
  3. EAC
  4. CEN-SAD
  5. Niger Basin Authority (NBI)
  6. COMESA-EAC-SADC Agreement
  7. Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region
  8. Conference on the Great Lakes Region
  9. OHADA
  10. Nile Basin Initiative
  11. African Continental Free-Trade Area
  12. Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa (MOWCA)
  13. Bank of Central African States
  14. G5-Sahel

Trade Agreements with the other civilizations:

  1. Generalized System of Preferences (EU GSP)
  2. Africa-EU Partnership
  3. AGOA
  4. Islamic Trade Preferential System
  5. COMESA-US Agreement
  6. EAC-U.S. Agreement

2- Doing Business in the Central African Countries.

The Central African region consists of eleven countries: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, the DR Congo, Rwanda, and São Tomé.

  1. Business in Angola
    1. Isabel dos Santos
  2. Business in Burundi
  3. Business in Cameroon
  4. Business in the Central African Republic
  5. Business in Chad
  6. Business in Equatorial Guinea
  7. Business in Gabon
  8. Business in the Congo
    1. Théophile Obenga
  9. Business in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    1. Amini Kajunju
    2. Elikia M'Bokolo
  10. Business in Rwanda
  11. Business in São Tomé and Príncipe

3- Logistics in Central Africa

Transport and Logistics in Africa. Corridors, ports

Trans-African Roads:

  1. Northern Logistics Corridor
  2. N’Djamena-Djibouti Logistics Corridor
  3. Trans-Sahelian Highway
  4. Lagos-Mombasa Logistics Corridor
  5. Tripoli-Central Africa-Windhoek Logistics Corridor
  6. Lobito Logistics Corridor
  7. Beira-Lobito Transport Logistics Corridor
  8. Central Logistics Corridor
  9. North-South Logistics Corridor

Central African Ports.

  1. Port of Lobito
  2. Port of Luanda (Angola)
  3. Port of Douala (Cameroon)
  4. Port of Pointe Noire (Congo)
  5. Ports of Equatorial Guinea
  6. Ports of Gabon

4- Business Plan for the Central African Markets.

The Module includes the Market Access Tool:
Central Africa Market Access

Other regional economic institutions and trade agreements in the Central African region.

African Institutions (AU, AFDB, AUDA-NEPAD, UNECA)

  1. China-Africa Cooperation
  2. Africa-India Economic Cooperation
  3. African Development Bank
  4. Economic Commission for Africa
  5. African Union
  7. Islamic Development Bank
  8. Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Isabel dos Santos, Angolan Businesswoman, Richest African Women (Angola)

Foreign Trade and Business in Cameroon

Foreign Trade and Business in the DR Congo

Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo...

The largest religions of Central Africa are Christianity and Islam.

Area of Knowledge: Africa .

EENI African Students:
Online African Students (Course, Master, Doctorate, International Business, Foreign Trade)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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