EENI Global Business School

Théophile Obenga (Congo, Afrocentricity)

The Negro-Egyptian theory of historical linguistics of Théophile Obenga

  1. Théophile Obenga (Congolese Linguist and Historian)
  2. The Negro-Egyptian theory of historical linguistics of Théophile Obenga
  3. Main works of Théophile Obenga

Théophile Obenga (African historian)
Théophile Obenga (Congo, Afrocentricity)

E-learning Doctorate and Masters in International Business

The Subject “Théophile Obenga (Congolese historian)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate in African Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Master: Business in Africa.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Diploma: Business in Central Africa.

Online Diploma: Business in Central Africa

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Théophile Obenga Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Theophile Obenga Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Theophile Obenga.

Théophile Obenga (Congolese Historian, Egyptologist, and Linguist): Afrocentricity.

Théophile Mwené Ndzalé Obenga was born in Mbayá (Republic of the Congo) on February 2, 1936, at Colonization age. Obenga is a Historian, Egyptologist, and Linguist.

With the great Senegalese historian Sheikh Anta Diop; he defended a new vision of the African history based on the concept of Afrocentricity, that is to say, that the Africans historians will be the protagonists of the African history with the objective of revising the African cultural heritage.

Specialization of Théophile Obenga: linguistics, Egyptology (Geneva), prehistory, prehistoric archaeology, correlations between the ancient Egyptian language and African languages:

  1. Religion: Théophile Obenga is Christian (Catholic)
  2. Graduate in Philosophy (University of Bordeaux)
  3. PhD in Human Sciences (Sorbonne)
  4. Ex-Director of the International Centre of Bantu Civilizations (Libreville)
  5. Director of the “Journal of Egyptology and Africans civilizations Ankh” (Paris)
  6. Author of Volume V (Africa from 16th to 18th Century) of the History of Africa
  7. Influenced by Sheikh Anta Diop

The Negro-Egyptian Theory of the history of linguistics of Théophile Obenga:

  1. Identification of the common features of Negro-African languages
  2. Definition of genetic relationship
  3. Conclusion: Negro-Egyptian languages are the common ancestor of the Negro-African languages

The three families of the African languages identified by Théophile Obenga:

  1. Negro-Egyptian (Ancient Egyptian, Coptic and Chadic, Cushitic, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-chordophones languages)
  2. Berber
  3. Khoisan

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Main books of Théophile Obenga:

  1. Bantus: languages, peoples, and civilizations
  2. Africa in the Antiquity (Ancient Egypt-Black Africa)
  3. Zaire, traditional Civilizations, and modern culture
  4. Readings in the Pre-colonial Central Africa
  5. Historical dissertation in Africa
  6. African Philosophy - Pharaonic Period: 2780-330 BCE

More information: The Republic of the Congo (EENI African Business Portal).

  1. Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Dolisie

Théophile Obenga belongs to the Central African Economic Area.

Africa: Cradle of humanity.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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