The People of the Egyptian Civilization “designated themselves as Blacks”
The origin of the Egyptian civilization is African”
Multidisciplinary research methodology (Théophile Obenga and Sheikh Anta Diop)
Volume II “Origin of the ancient Egyptians” of the History of Africa
Linguistic comparison of the Egyptian language (Coptic/Pharaonic) with current black-African languages (Wolof) conjugation, phrases, lexicography, phonetics
Anthropology: The people of the civilization of the ancient Egypt were considered black. Herodotus, the Bible, paintings, sculptures, ancient Western art
Biological analysis: melanin (skin pigment mummies), the tonnage-genetic (DNA)
History: The Origin of the Egyptian Civilization is African (non-Asian). Analysis of the hieroglyphic texts, historical tradition, Herodotus, 14 Coal analysis, archaeology
The Subject “Ancient Egypt and the African Civilization” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: