EENI Global Business School

European Union (Courses, Trade, Business)

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World's largest single market (EU). Relations with China, India

  1. Doctorate in European Business
  2. Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade
  3. EU, Masters, International Business Trade Masters adapted to EU Students
  4. Introduction to the EU (Course, 3 ECTS)
  5. European Single Market (Course, 4 ECTS)
  6. International Economic Relations of the EU (Course, 8 ECTS)
  7. Export to the EU (Course, 2 ECTS)
  8. Courses related to Business in the countries of the EU

The students who have studied and passed some of the Professional Courses related to the EU can validate the subjects studied in one of the previous Online Masters / Doctorate taught by EENI Global Business School.

E-learning Course Master, International Business

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English Study Doctorate in International Business in French UE Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Unión Europea Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese UE.

ECTS Credits = ECTS credits.

1- Introduction to the EU. EU Institutions (3 ECTS)

European Union: World's largest single market- European Single Market (PDF).

1- Introduction to the EU

  1. Aims of the EU
  2. Organization and functioning of the EU
  3. European Union Law
  4. Economy of the EU. The BREXIT
  5. Structural and Investment Funds
  6. The EU as a member of the European Economic Area

The EU and Their Institutions

2- Institutions of the EU.

  1. European Commission
  2. European Parliament
  3. European Council
  4. Court of Justice
  5. Court of Auditors
  6. European Economic and Social Committee
  7. Committee of the Regions
  8. European Investment Bank
  9. Decentralized Agencies

European Single Market

2- European Single Market (EU)

European Single Market (EU) Services Directive. European Digital Single Market (PDF).

  1. European Single Market
  2. The EU Services Directive
  3. European Digital Single Market
  4. Taxation System
  5. Economic and Monetary Union
  6. European Central Bank
  7. European Customs Union

Foreign Trade and Business in the EU Countries

3- Doing Business in the countries of the EU (37 ECTS)

  1. Countries of the EU (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden)
  2. United Kingdom (non-EU member, BREXIT)

Download the syllabus of the Course “Business in the countries of the EU” (PDF).

EU International Relations

4- Foreign trade and International Relations of the EU (8 ECTS)

1- EU Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy of the EU: 19% of the world trade. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)... (PDF).

  1. European Foreign Policy
  2. European External Action Service
  3. Foreign trade of the EU
  4. GSP
  5. EU Enlargement
  6. Neighbourhood Policy
  7. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
  8. Eastern Partnership
  9. South Caucasus
  10. Western Balkans
  11. Black Sea Synergy
  12. EU-CELAC Summit
  13. Indian Ocean Commission (observer)

2- EU Trade Agreements.

European Union: Association and Trade Agreements with the third countries

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

  1. Strategic partners: The U.S., Canada, China, India and South Korea
  2. America: Central America, CARIFORUM, Chile, MERCOSUR, Mexico, Andean Countries (FTA with Colombia and Peru)
  3. Europe: EFTA, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine..
  4. Asia: ASEAN, Singapore, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Papua New Guinea...
  5. Arab Countries: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Jordan, Lebanon..
  6. Africa: EU-Africa Strategic Partnership, Agadir Agreement, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa..

Export to the European Union

5- Export to the EU. Import from the EU (2 ECTS).

E-Learning Course: Export to the EU, import restrictions and quotas. New European Customs Code (PDF).

  1. How to export to the EU
  2. EU Customs Code

Trans-European Transport Corridors

6- European Transport Corridors

Trans-European Corridors.

  1. Atlantic Corridor
  2. Baltic-Adriatic Corridor
  3. North Sea-Baltic Corridor
  4. North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor
  5. Mediterranean Transport Corridor
  6. Eastern Europe-Eastern Mediterranean Transport Corridor
  7. Scandinavian-Mediterranean Transport Corridor
  8. Rhine-Alpine Transport Corridor
  9. Rhine-Danube Transport Corridor
  10. Strasbourg-Danube Transport Corridor
  11. Pan-European Corridor II
  12. Pan-European Corridor IX

The main objective of the module “The EU” is to offer an overview of the complex workings of the EU and its institutions, the EU economy and the business opportunities in the European markets to develop a business plan for the EU markets.

  1. To learn to do business in the EU
  2. To analyze the influence of Christianity on the EU
  3. To analyze the foreign trade and the foreign direct investment in the region
  4. To identify business opportunities in the EU
  5. To examine the international relations and the Agreement
  6. To design a business plan for the markets of the EU

Member States of the EU are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Sweden.

  1. On July 1, 2013, Croatia became the 28th member state of the EU
  2. The EU population: 508 million people

Other Trade Policies of the EU

  1. The EU food security policy
  2. The EU industrial policy
  3. The EU agricultural policy
  4. The EU fisheries policy
  5. The EU environmental standards
  6. The EU transport policy

Religions in the EU: Christianity (Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestantism, Anglicans).

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

EENI European Students:
Online European Students, Master International Business

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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