North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor Ireland-FranceUnited Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (North Sea-Mediterranean Transport Corridor)
Sample - North Sea-Mediterranean Transport
Corridor (Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg,
France) The Subject “North Sea-Mediterranean Transport Corridor” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Logistics Courses: Road, Railway, Maritime, Multimodal. Diploma: International Transport. Masters: International Transport International Business. Doctorate: Global Logistics, European Business, World Trade. Languages: . Summary in Corredor Mar del Norte-Mediterráneo Corridor Mer du Nord-Méditerranée Corredor Mar do Norte-Mediterrâneo. The North Sea-Mediterranean Multimodal Transport Corridor, formerly called the Rail Freight Corridor, runs through Ireland, the UK (Scotland, Edinburgh, BREXIT), the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France (Lyon, ports of Marseille and Fos-sur-mer), bordering the France-Germany border.
The North Sea-Mediterranean freight railway corridor connects the main European ports (Antwerp, Rotterdam, Dunkirk, Zeebrugge and Marseille) with the industrial areas of Western Europe:
Countries in the influence area of the North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor: Switzerland (Basel), Italy (passing through Switzerland), Spain. European regional economic communities related to the North Sea-Mediterranean Transport Corridor.
The main religion of the region of the North Sea-Mediterranean Transport Corridor is Christianity (Catholicism, Protestantism and Anglicanism). The North Sea-Mediterranean Transport Corridor (Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France) belongs to the European Economic Area. Corridors related to the New Silk Route
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |