European Trade and Economic Organizations of Germany
The EU
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Global Organizations
Germany is a member, among others, of...
Germany belongs to the WTO since 1 January 1995
Inter-American Development Bank
Asia-Europe Meeting
OECD anti-corruption measures
Asian Development Bank
African Development Bank
Islamic Development Bank
At a regional level Germany is a founding member of the EU and the European Council. As a member of the EU, Germany is beneficiary of the EU Free trade agreements.
The Federal Republic of Germany (Europe).
Borders of Germany: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland
With a GDP of 2,423 trillion Euros, the Federal Republic of Germany is:
The Largest European Economy
The Third largest economy in the world
The Fifth largest economy (Purchasing Power Parity)
One of the largest industrialized nations
Frankfurt is the financial centre of the Federal Republic of Germany (the largest stock exchange in Europe)
The industry is the largest pillar of the German economy (25% of the GDP, 8 million workers)
Secondary sector: 30% of the GDP of Germany, 25% of the workforce of the Federal Republic of Germany (10 million people)
The services sector is the largest of the German economy (70% of theGDP)
The main German companies are Volkswagen, Daimler, Porsche, Siemens, Continental, BMW, Basf, Bayer, Beiersdorf, DHL, Bosch, Infineon, Deutsche Telekom, ThyssenKrupp, Bertelsmann, Lufthansa, SAP, Adidas, Hugo Boss
Germany is the second largest exporting country in the world (total imports from Germany correspond to those of France and Italy together), with its annual trade surplus of 160 billion euros
The main German exports: machinery, vehicles, metals, chemical products, textiles, manufactures and food products
The main German imports: machinery, foods, chemical products, textiles, vehicles and metals