EENI Global Business School

European Union-Western Balkans Bosnia

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Syllabus of the Subject

EU's policy for the Western Balkans, Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia

  1. Introduction to the Western Balkans region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo
  2. European Foreign Policy for the Balkans
  3. Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe
  4. Stabilization and Association Agreements
  5. Baltic-Adriatic Corridor (Poland, Slovenia)
  6. Free-Trade Area between the EU and the Western Balkans
  7. Foreign Trade Relations between the EU and the Western Balkans

Sample - EU-Western Balkans Trade Relations
Trade Relations European Union-Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo

The aims of the subject “EU-Western Balkans” are the following:

  1. To know the EU Trade Policy for the Western Balkans region
  2. To analyze the association agreements and the trade relations of the EU with the Western Balkans countries

E-learning Course Master, International Business

The Subject “European Union-Western Balkans” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Online Student (Master International Business Foreign Trade)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish UE-Balcanes Occidentales Study Doctorate in International Business in French UE-Balkans occidentaux Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese UE-Balcãs Ocidentais.

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

EU International Relations

The Trade relations of the EU with the Balkans states (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia (*), Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo) are governed by the Stabilization and Association Process.

(*) Croatia is a member of the EU since 2013.

  1. All the Western Balkans countries have been offered a Stabilization and Association Agreements and have a clear European Union perspective
  2. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo are candidates for the EU membership
  3. The EU Strategy includes massive financial assistance, making it by far the largest donor in the region
  4. The EU will continue providing technical and financial assistance to the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)

Foreign Trade EU-Balkans (in Euros):

Foreign Trade plays a major role in the efforts of the EU to promote the peace, stability, freedom, and economic welfare in the Western Balkans.

  1. The EU exported products to the Balkans: 25.5 billion
  2. The EU imported goods from the Balkans: 11.2 billion
  3. The EU's Foreign direct investment in the Balkans: 3.8 billion

Trans-European Transport Corridors

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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