EENI Global Business School

European Union Free Trade Agreements

EU's Preferential Agreements (Customs Unions, Economic Integration)

  1. Introduction to the EU Trade Agreements
  2. Rules of origin applicable to the EU preferential agreements
    1. The EU's preferential rules of origin
    2. Completely obtained / sufficiently transformed goods
    3. Minimal Operations
    4. accumulation
    5. Tolerance or de minimis
    6. Direct Transport or non-handling standard
    7. Duty drawback
  3. Non-preferential rules of origin
  4. Proof of origin: Form A (SPG), EUR MED, EUR 1
  5. The EU's Generalized System of Preferences (EU GSP)
  6. The EU Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
  7. European Union Trade Agreements
  8. The EU Autonomous Trade Regimes
  9. Customs Unions
  10. Bilateral and regional negotiations in progress.
    1. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty (TTIP) with the United States

European Union-Central America Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

European Union: Association and Trade Agreements with the third countries

The objectives of the subject “European Union Free trade agreements (FTAs)” are the following:

  1. To understand the EU's preferential trade agreements with the third countries
  2. To know how to apply the rules of origin of the agreements
  3. To analyze the different existing agreements: free trade agreements, economic association agreements, customs unions, etc

E-learning Course Master, International Business

The Subject “European Union's Agreements (FTA)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

EU International Relations

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Acuerdos de la UE Study Doctorate in International Business in French Accords de l’UE Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Acordos da UE.

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

EU Trade Agreements:

  1. European Union-Andean Community (2012)
    1. EU-Peru-Colombia Agreement
  2. European Union-MERCOSUR
  3. European Union-Chile (Association Agreement, 2005)
  4. Mexico-European Union (Economic Partnership Agreement, 2000)
  5. European Union-Central America
  6. European Economic Area (European Union-European Free Trade Association)
  7. European Union-South Korea (2015)
  8. ASEAN-European Union
  9. European Union-Gulf Cooperation Council
  10. Turkey-EU Customs Union
  11. India-European Union
  12. Albania: Stabilization and Association Agreement (2006)
  13. Andorra: Customs Union (1991)
  14. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Stabilization and Association Agreement (2015)
  15. Faroe Islands: Trade Agreement (1997)
  16. Georgia: Free Trade and Association Agreement (2016)
  17. Kosovo: Stabilization and Association Agreement (2016)
  18. Macedonia: Stabilization and Association Agreement (2004)
  19. Moldova: Association Agreement (2016)
  20. Montenegro: Stabilization and Association Agreement (2010)
  21. San Marino: Customs Union (1992)
  22. Serbia: Stabilization and Association Agreement (2013)
  23. Ukraine: Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (2016) and Association Agreement (2014)
  24. Armenia: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (1999)
  25. Azerbaijan: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (1999)
  26. Cameroon: Economic Partnership Agreement Interim (2009)
  27. Ghana: Economic Partnership Agreement provisionally applied (2016)
  28. Canada: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) (2016)
  29. Ecuador: Trade Agreement provisionally applied (2017)
  30. Iraq: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (2012)
  31. Kazakhstan: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement reinforced (2016)
  32. Papua New Guinea (2011) and Fiji: Provisional Association Agreement
  33. South Africa: Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (2000)
  34. Madagascar, Mauricio, the Seychelles and Zimbabwe: Economic Partnership Agreement (2009)
  35. Southern African Development Community (SADC): Economic Partnership Agreement provisionally applied (2016)
  36. European Union-Ivory Coast Economic Partnership Agreement provisionally applied (2016)
  37. European Union-CARIFORUM (Economic Partnership Agreement)
  38. Association Agreement with Algeria (2005)
  39. Association Agreement with Egypt (2004)
  40. Association Agreement with Israel (2000)
  41. Association Agreement with Jordan (2002)
  42. Association Agreement interim with Lebanon (2003)
  43. Association Agreement with Morocco (2000)
  44. Association Agreement with the Palestinian Authority (1997)
  45. Cooperation Agreement with Syria (1977)
  46. Association Agreement with Tunisia (1998)
  47. EU-Vietnam Agreement
  48. EU-Singapore Agreement
  49. EU-Japan Agreement
  50. EU-Southern African Development Community (SADC) Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
  51. EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Stabilization and Accession Agreement (2015)
  52. EU-Montenegro Stabilization and Accession Agreement
  53. EU-CARIFORUM States Economic Partnership Agreement
  54. Free Trade Agreement EU-Eastern and Southern African States (Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Zimbabwe)
  55. EU-United Kingdom Free Trade and Economic Integration Agreement

The EU is the largest global trade player: 20% of global trade.

China is the second-largest trading partners of the EU after the United States.

The main objectives of the EU Free Trade Agreements are:

  1. To open new international markets for products and services
  2. To increase the Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows
  3. To make the international trade cheaper (eliminating customs duties)
  4. To make the external trade faster
  5. To make the policy environment more predictable

Each Free Trade Agreement negotiated by the EU is adapted to the situation of each nation.


“The more ambitious the Free Trade Agreement is, more benefits are to be gained from the agreement.”

The EU has granted duty-free access for most of the imports from the developing countries (Generalized system of preferences).

The EU Trade Agreements: Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine, EFTA, South Korea, ASEAN, GGC, Central America, Andean Community, MERCOSUR, Chile, Mexico, Turkey, India, China, Lebanon, Algeria, CARIFORUM, Ivory Coast, and Georgia.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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