EENI Global Business School

Globalization (Bachelor in Inter-African Business)

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Globalization and International Organizations (Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business, e-learning, first semester)

Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business 
Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Subject - “Globalization and International Organizations” (6 ECTS) - Online Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business (first semester).

The objectives of the subject “Globalization and International Organizations”:

  1. To understand the concept of the globalization and its repercussion on the international business
  2. To understand the International Trade Liberalization and the role of the WTO
  3. To determine the positive and negative effects of Globalization
  4. To know the trends towards the regionalism
  5. To understand the different regional trade agreements and its implications for global and regional trade
  6. To analyze the historical world trade development in the last decades
  7. To know the role of the international economic institutions (WTO, IMF, WB...) in the globalization process
  8. To know the state of the World

Syllabus of the Program: Globalization

  1. Globalization and International Business
  2. Economic Areas of the Globalization
  3. Global Economy
  4. FDI
  5. Delocalization and Globalization
  6. International Trade in merchandises and services
  7. Emerging and Frontier Markets
  8. BRICS Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
  9. The “Chinese Syndrome”
  10. Globalization and Regionalism
  11. Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements
  12. European Union and Globalization
  13. Financial, cultural and political aspects of the Globalization
  14. Human development and Globalization
  15. Global economic crisis
  16. State of the World. Regional Analysis:
    1. Africa: the next emerging continent
    2. Asia
    3. Europe
    4. America
    5. Arab Countries
  17. Anti-Globalization

Objectives of the Program “Globalization”:

  1. To understand the concept of Globalization and their implications for International Business
  2. To understand the International trade Liberalization in services and merchandises
  3. To determine the positive and negative effects of Globalization
  4. To know the trends towards the regionalism
  5. To analyze the historical world trade development in the last decades
  6. To know the role of the international economic institutions in the globalization process
  7. To know the state of the World

Syllabus of the Program: The UN.

  1. Introduction to the Organization of the UN
  2. Structure and organization of the UN
  3. The main agencies of the UN
  4. Specialized institutions, programs and agencies of the UN
  5. Secretary of the UN
  6. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  7. United Nations System
  8. Human development and the UN
  9. Millennium Development Goals
  10. Global Compact of the UN
  11. UN Convention Against Corruption
  12. Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution
  13. Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery

Objectives of the Program “United Nations”:

  1. To understand the objectives and structure of the UN
  2. To know the function of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  3. To analyze the UN System
  4. To understand the role of the UN in relation to the human development in the World
  5. To know the specialized institutions, programs, conventions and agencies of the UN
  6. To know how to analyze the socio-economic information offered by the different portals of the UN
  7. To analyze the role of the International Trade Centre (ITC) of the UN

International trade Centre (ITC) of the UN.

  1. Introduction to the International Trade Centre (ICC INTRACEN)
  2. SME Export promotion from development countries
  3. Trade information
  4. Market Analysis and Development

Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

  1. Conference on Trade and Development of the UN (UNCTAD) and FDI
  2. Inward and Outward Index
  3. Foreign Direct Investment Methodology
  4. World Investment Report

Syllabus of the Program: World Trade Organization

  1. Introduction to the WTO
  2. From the GATT to the WTO
  3. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
  4. Agreement on International Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
  5. Principles of the international trade system
  6. WTO's agreements;
    1. Tariffs
    2. Services
    3. Standards and Safety
    4. Textiles
    5. Agriculture
    6. Subsidies
    7. Anti-dumping
    8. Non-tariff Barriers. Technical Barriers to Trade
    9. Intellectual Property
  7. Regional Trade Agreements
  8. Environment and the WTO
  9. Investments and the WTO
  10. E-commerce
  11. Regionalism and the WTO
  12. Doha Agenda
  13. World International Trade Report

Objectives of the Program “World Trade Organization”:

  1. To understand the objectives of the WTO
  2. To understand the principles of the international trade system
  3. To analyze the agreements of the WTO (customs duties, agriculture, services, Import Licensing procedures...) and their implications for the International Trade
  4. To explore the rules on customs valuation
  5. To understand the General Agreement on Trade in Services
  6. To know how to interpret the World Trade Report of the WTO

Syllabus of the Program: World Bank (WB).

  1. Introduction to the World Bank
  2. Organization and objectives of the WB
  3. Role and mission of the World Bank
  4. World Bank and the Millennium Development Goals
  5. World Bank operations:
    1. Fund generation
    2. Loans
    3. Trust funds
    4. Grants
  6. Doing Business with the World Bank
  7. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  8. International Development Association
  9. World Development Indicators

Objectives of the Program “World Bank (WB)”:

  1. To understand the objectives, structure and functions of the World Bank
  2. To explore the areas of cooperation of the World Bank
  3. To analyze the loans granted by the World Bank
  4. To know the World Bank related institutions: the International Development Association, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  5. To understand the World Bank projects

Syllabus of the Program: International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  1. Introduction to International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  2. Objectives and activities of the IMF
  3. Activities of the International Monetary Fund:
    1. Supervision
    2. Technical assistance
    3. Financial assistance
  4. International Monetary Fund and the global economic stability
  5. Vulnerability indicators
  6. Global economic crisis
  7. International Monetary Fund and the WB
  8. International Monetary Fund and the WTO
  9. Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

Objectives of the Program “International Monetary Fund (IMF)”:

  1. To understand the objectives and organization of the IMF
  2. To analyze the main activities of the IMF (supervision, technical and financial assistance)
  3. To understand the concept of “Special Drawing Rights (SDR)”
  4. To know the role of the IMF in the global economic crisis and financial stability
  5. To analyze the role of the International Monetary Fund in the world trade

Syllabus of the Program: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

  1. Introduction to the OECD.
    1. History of the OECD
  2. Structure of the OECD
  3. Analysis and studies of the OECD
  4. Economic prospects of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Objectives of the Program “Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)”:

  1. To understand the objectives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  2. To know how to analyze the Economic Reports of the OECD
  3. To know the Anti-corruption Measures of the OECD

Syllabus of the Program: Organization International of the Francophonie (OIF).

  1. Introduction to the Organization International of the Francophonie (OIF)
  2. Summit of the Francophonie
  3. Member countries of the Organization International of the Francophonie
  4. Francophonie: economy and Globalization

Syllabus of the Program- Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP).

  1. Introduction to the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries CPLP
  2. Portuguese in the World
  3. Institute Camões

African Students Bachelor of Science, Business

ECTS = European Transfer and Accumulation System

EENI African Business Portal.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

Samples: Globalization and International Organizations (Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business, e-learning, first semester).

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Language of the subject “Globalization and International Organizations” of the Bachelor of Science (first semester): Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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