EENI Global Business School

European Economic Areas (Bachelor, Trade)

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Syllabus of the Subject

European Economic Areas (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, first semester, second year)

Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Syllabus of the Program: European Economic Area.

  1. Introduction to the European Economic Area
  2. Influence of Christianity on the European Economic Area
  3. European Economic Integration of the Western Civilization
    1. The EU
      1. European Union: the largest Single Market of the World
      2. International relations of the EU
      3. Interactions of the EU with the other civilizations
    2. European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
  4. Other economic institutions in Europe


  1. To define the characteristics of the European Economic Area
  2. To analyze the influence of Christianity on the European Economic Area
  3. To know the economic profile of the European Countries
  4. To understand the European Economic Integration process of the Western Civilization
  5. To know the economic relations with the other civilizations and with the other Economic Areas of the Western Civilization
  6. To analyze the main economic institutions related to the European Economic Area

Syllabus of the Program: Orthodox Economic Area.

  1. Introduction to the Orthodox Economic Area.
    1. Influence of Orthodoxy
    2. Economic profile of the Orthodox Countries
  2. Russia as the Central State of the Orthodox Civilization
  3. Orthodox Economic Area of the Orthodox Civilization
  4. Economic Integration of the Orthodox Civilization
  5. Interactions of the Orthodox Civilization with the other civilizations
  6. Economic institutions related to the Orthodox Civilization


  1. To define the characteristics of the Orthodox Economic Area
  2. To analyze the role of Russia as the Central State of the Orthodox Civilization
  3. To analyze the influence of Orthodoxy on the Orthodox Economic Area
  4. To know the economic profile of the Orthodox Countries
  5. To analyze the profile of Orthodox Businessmen
  6. To understand the Economic Integration process of the Orthodox Economic Area
  7. To know the economic relations of the Orthodox Civilization with the other civilizations
  8. To analyze the main economic institutions related to the Orthodox Economic Area

Syllabus of the Program: Central Eurasian Economic Area.

  1. Introduction to the Central Eurasian Economic Area
  2. Islam as the unifying factor of the Central Eurasian Economic Area
  3. Economic profile of the countries of Central Eurasia
  4. Businessmen of the Central Eurasian Economic Area
  5. Interactions of the Central Eurasian Economic Area with the other economic areas
  6. Economic institutions related to the Central Eurasian Economic Area


  1. To define the economic characteristics of the Central Eurasian Economic Area
  2. To understand the influence of Islam on Central Eurasian Economic Area
  3. To know the economic profile of the countries of Central Eurasia
  4. To understand the Economic Integration process in Central Eurasian Economic Area
  5. To analyze the personalities of the top Businessmen of Central Eurasia
  6. To know the economic relations with the other Economic Areas of different civilizations
  7. To analyze the main economic institutions related to the Central Eurasian Economic Area

Europe Free Trade Agreements


BREXIT (UK departure from the EU)

European Union Enlargement: Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Turkey

European Digital Single Market. Facilitating the on-line access to services and products across the European Union

Community of Independent States CIS

European Union-Russia Trade Relations. Trade Agreement

Christianity in Europe

EFTA-Albania Free Trade Agreement (Bachelor, eLearning)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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