EENI Global Business School

International Marketing IV (e-Bachelor, Trade)

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International Marketing IV (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fifth semester)

Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Subject - “International Marketing IV (e-business, new digital economy, Intercultural Management)” (9 ECTS) - Online Bachelor of Science in International Trade (fifth semester).

Syllabus of the Program: Intercultural Management.

  1. Introduction to the Intercultural Management
  2. Culture and global society
  3. High and low context cultures (Edward Hall)
  4. Cultural dimension (Hofstede): Power distance, Individual, and Long-Term Orientation.
  5. Seven dimensions of the culture of Trompenaars
  6. Cross-cultural communication and International Marketing Plan
  7. Cultural patterns and international markets
  8. Intercultural Countries classification
  9. Intercultural Management strategies
  10. Case Study: product perception in different markets
  11. Geert Hofstede Dimensions and the Religions of the World
  12. Introduction to religion and International Business

Objectives of the Program “Intercultural Management”:

  1. To understand the importance of Intercultural Management in international trade
  2. To define international cultural patterns
  3. To know how to incorporate Intercultural Management strategies in international relations

Syllabus of the Program: e-Business and International Trade.

  1. E-business and International Trade
  2. Introduction to the new digital economy
  3. E-business models
  4. Concepts of e-security
  5. Search engine positioning
  6. Fundamentals of HTML for the realization of web pages
  7. Case Study:
    1. The Chinese Group Alibaba
    2. Amazon
    3. Online Nigerian retail sites

Objectives of the Program “E-business and International Business”

  1. To understand the key concepts related to e-business and the new economy
  2. To understand the different digital business models that a company can implant, as well as the importance of the strategy, marketing and technology in an e-business project
  3. To know the main e-business process and some technological solutions
  4. To know the key concepts related to e-security
  5. To be aware of the strategic importance of a correct e-Business plan

Syllabus of the Program: Information and Communication Technologies, Trade and African Regional Integration.

  1. ICT, trade and African regional integration
  2. E-Commerce: The next growth frontier of Africa
  3. ICT Initiatives of the Regional Economic Communities
  4. ICT and Trade Facilitation, transport corridors and payment systems in Africa
  5. Automated System for Customs Data and Management (ASYCUDA)
  6. Automated Terminal Operating System
  7. Cross-border mobile payments
  8. East African Payment System
  9. Case Study:
    1. Online Nigerian retail sites (DealDey, Konga, Jumia)
    2. Kenya Ports Authority and the Kilindini Waterfront
    3. National single window (NSW) in Ghana, Namibia, Malawi, and Mozambique

Syllabus of the Program: Search Engine Positioning.

  1. Introduction to Search engine positioning
  2. Key concepts
  3. Positioning on Google
  4. PageRank Algorithm
  5. Sitemaps
  6. Languages and positioning

Objectives of the Program “Search engine positioning”:

  1. To know the functioning of Google, Yahoo and MSN to improve the Search engine positioning
  2. To establish a feedback with these search engines using the sitemaps
  3. To develop multilingual websites

Syllabus of the Program: European Digital Single Market (EU).

  1. The EU Electronic Commerce Directive
  2. The EU's strategy for the creation of a European Digital Single Market
  3. Digital Agenda for Europe
  4. The two pillars of the digital single market: a free and open e-market
  5. Facilitating online access to services and products across the EU
  6. National Technical Barriers removal to online operations


  1. To know the Electronic Commerce Directive of the EU
  2. To understand the concept of the European Digital Single Market
  3. To analyze the advantages for the EU, countries, companies and citizens
  4. To evaluate the objectives and results of the European Single Market

Subjects of the fifth semester of the Bachelor of Science in International Trade.

FDI (Bachelor of Science in Trade, 2-4)

ECTS: European Transfer and Accumulation System

Samples: International Marketing IV (the e-business, the new digital economy, the Intercultural Management) (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fifth semester).

Intercultural Management


European Union Single Market. Free movement of people, services, capitals and goods

Africa National single window

Language of the subject “International Marketing IV (the e-business, the new digital economy, the Intercultural Management)” of the Bachelor of Science in International Trade (fifth semester): Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study eLearning Bachelor of Science in Spanish Bachelor of Science en Comercio Internacional, Study an Online Bachelor of Science in French Bachelor of Science en commerce international Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Bachelor of Science em Comércio Internacionale.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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