EENI Global Business School

International Marketing III (e-Bachelor, Trade)

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International Marketing III (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fourth semester)

Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Subject - “International Marketing III (International Promotion, Country Brand, Market Segmentation, Brand and Positioning)” (9 ECTS) - Online Bachelor of Science in International Trade (fourth semester).

Syllabus of the Program: International promotion.

1- International promotion

  1. Introduction to the international promotion Policy
  2. Local, regional and global promotion strategies
  3. International Promotion strategy when entering new export markets
  4. Direct and indirect international promotion
  5. International promotion MIX
  6. International Promotion Campaign
  7. Advertising and publicity
  8. Public Relations
  9. Case Study
  10. Importance of the international trade shows in the internationalization process
  11. Objectives of the participation in International Trade shows
  12. Preparation and organization of international trade shows
  13. Business Trips and international marketing

2- Influence of the country image

  1. Concept of Country Brand
  2. Influence of the country image on the international marketing
  3. Country Brand as a competitive advantage
  4. Strategy of internationalization and “Country Brand”
  5. Country Brand International Rankings
  6. Rating Agencies
  7. Case Study

3- e-Promotion

  1. Key concepts related to the e-Promotion
  2. WEB 2.0
  3. Effective digital promotion
  4. Search Engine Positioning
  5. Social networks and international promotion
  6. Company 2.0 Business models

Objectives of the Program “International promotion”:

  1. To know how to design and implement international promotion strategies more adapted for each market
  2. To understand the importance of the “country image” brand and to know how to use it in the strategies of Internationalization
  3. To understand the importance of International trade shows
  4. To understand the concepts of e-promotion
  5. To evaluate the importance of the social networks in the international marketing

Syllabus of the Program: Segmentation, Brand and Positioning

1- International market segmentation:

  1. Importance of the international market segmentation
  2. Criteria of market segmentation
  3. Steps of a global segmentation process
  4. Niche markets and segmentation
  5. Market Segmentation Strategies: concentrated, differentiated, product specialization, market specialization and total market coverage
  6. Case Study:
    1. International segmentation strategy of the Volkswagen Group
    2. Strategy of Matsushita and Unilever
    3. VALS Report

2- International Brand Strategy

  1. Brand importance in the strategy of Internationalization
  2. Brand strategies in foreign markets
  3. Global, regional and local brands
  4. Building an international brand
  5. Brand value
  6. Case Study:
    1. World's leading brands
    2. Brand strategy of the companies Wrigley, ACER, the Gucci Group and Mitsubishi

3- international market positioning

  1. Introduction to international positioning
  2. Strategies and stages of international positioning
  3. Positioning a brand
  4. Case Study:
    1. Positioning a new brand in the Australian Market
    2. The case of Ford Motors and United Biscuits

Objectives of the Program “International Segmentation, Brand and Positioning”:

  1. To understand the importance of international segmentation
  2. To know the criteria for applying a global brand policy or adapted to the markets, as well as manage the brand in the international markets
  3. To know what criteria to apply to positioning a brand in the international markets

Subjects of the fourth semester of the Bachelor of Science in International Trade.

International Marketing (Degree in Trade, 2-4)

ECTS: European Transfer and Accumulation System

Samples: International Marketing III (international promotion, trade shows, Country Brand, market segmentation, brand and positioning) (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fourth semester).

International market segmentation

Country Brand Colombia

Global brand strategy

International Brand

International Promotion

Language of the subject “International Marketing III” of the Bachelor of Science in International Trade (fourth semester): Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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