EENI Global Business School

African Institutions (Bachelor, Inter-African Business)

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Institutions Leading the African Transformation (Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business, e-learning, first semester)

Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business 
Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Subject - “Institutions Leading the African Transformation” (5 ECTS) - Online Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business (first semester).

Online Bachelor: African Economic Transformation

The main objective of the subject “Institutions Leading the African Transformation” is to understand the role of:

  1. African Union (AU): the “Policy vision - one United Africa”
  2. African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD): “The Executing Agency” of the African Union
  3. Economic Commission for Africa (CEA): organises all information to achieve the African Integration
  4. African Development Bank: financing the African Union vision
  5. Finally, we will study the “Agenda 2063: The future we want for Africa” a key document to understanding the vision of the African leaders

African Students Bachelor of Science, Business

Syllabus of the Program: African Union

  1. Introduction to the African Union (AU)
  2. Objectives and member countries
  3. Constitutive Act of the African Union
  4. Pan-African Parliament
  5. Agencies of the African Union
  6. Department of Economic Affairs
  7. Financial Institutions of the African Union
    1. Central African Bank
    2. African Investment Bank
    3. African Monetary Fund
  8. African Union Commission on International Law
  9. African Union Commission
  10. Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission
  11. Division of Customs of the African Union
  12. Department of rural economy and agriculture
    1. Africa Agriculture Development Programme
  13. Division of Regional Cooperation and Economic Integration
    1. State of the African Integration
    2. Minimum Integration Programme
    3. African Financial Integration
  14. Division of Research and Economic Policy
  15. Private sector, investments and resources mobilization development
  16. Special Programs of the African Union
    2. Conference on Security, Stability Development and Cooperation in Africa
  17. Regional Economic Communities:
    1. Community of Sahel-Saharan States
    2. Economic Community of West African States Central
    3. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
    4. Economic Community of West African States
    5. Intergovernmental Authority on Development
    6. Southern African Development Community
    7. Arab Maghreb Union (AMU)
  18. African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption
  19. African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption
  20. AU partners (EU, China, Japan, the U.S., Korea...)

African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.

  1. Introduction to the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption
  2. Regional Anti-Corruption Programme for Africa
  3. African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption

Objectives of the Program “African Union (AU)”:

  1. To understand the objectives, functions and the affiliated institutions of the African Union (AU): the most important African institution
  2. To know the financial institutions of the AU (African Monetary Fund...)
  3. To analyze the role of the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Customs of the African Union Commission
  4. To understand the role of the African Union in the socio-economic development and African Integration (towards the African Continental Free-Trade Area)
  5. To understand the concept of “African Common Market”
  6. To evaluate the state of the African Integration and the Minimum Integration Programme
  7. To understand the relationship between the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities
  8. To understand the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption

Syllabus of the Program: African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD).

  1. Introduction to the AUDA-NEPAD
  2. Governance Structures of the AUDA-NEPAD
  3. Secretary of the AUDA-NEPAD
  4. AUDA-NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency
  5. Strategic plan of the AUDA-NEPAD
  6. Thematic Areas of the AUDA-NEPAD
  7. Agriculture and food security
    1. Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (PDDAA)
  8. Regional integration and the AUDA-NEPAD
  9. Infrastructures;
    1. African Union/NEPAD African Action Plan
    2. Transport in Africa. The Lobito Corridor
  10. African value chains
  11. Cross-cutting issues: gender, capacity development and information and communication technologies (ICT)
  12. E-Africa Program of the AUDA-NEPAD
  13. Economic and social governance
  14. African Peer Review Mechanism
  15. The AUDA-NEPAD and the African Regional Economic Communities
  16. Towards the continental free-trade area

Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme.

  1. Introduction to the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (PDDAA) of the AUDA-NEPAD
  2. The four pillars of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
  3. Facilitating the access to markets and infrastructures
  4. Agricultural research
  5. African Forum for agricultural research
  6. Sustainable Land and Water Management
  7. Role of the Regional Economic Communities (REC) in the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme

Objectives of the Program “African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)”:

  1. To understand the objectives and work areas of the AUDA-NEPAD of the African Union
  2. To know the strategic plan and programs of the AUDA-NEPAD
  3. To analyze the role of the AUDA-NEPAD in relation to the Intra-African Trade, African value chains, transport in Africa, African Integration.
  4. To know the four pillars of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
  5. To understand the African Peer Review Mechanism
  6. To understand the relations between the African Regional Economic Communities and the AUDA-NEPAD

Syllabus of the Program: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

  1. Introduction to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (CEA)
  2. African Statistical Yearbook
  3. Vision: Putting Africa First
  4. Macroeconomic Policy of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (CEA)
  5. Economic Report on Africa
  6. Division of Trade and regional integration of the Economic Commission for Africa
    1. Regional Economic Communities (REC)
    2. Industrialization and infrastructures
    3. Investment Policy
    4. Food security and agriculture
    5. African Trade Policy Centre
    6. Foreign trade facilitation
    7. Observatory on African regional integration
    8. State of the African regional integration
    9. African value chains
    10. Continental free-trade area
    11. African Financial Integration
    12. African Road Safety Action Plan
  7. Social development.
    1. Post 2015 Development Agenda
  8. Natural Resources;
    1. Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development
    2. Mineral resources and African development
  9. Innovation and Technology
  10. Gender
    1. African Women's Report
    2. African Centre for Gender
  11. Governance in Africa
    1. Combating Corruption improving the Governance in Africa
  12. Subregional Offices of the Economic Commission for Africa
    1. Central Africa
    2. East Africa
    3. North Africa
    4. South Africa
    5. West Africa
  13. African Centre for Statistics
  14. African Institute of economic development and planning
  15. Doing Business with the UN Economic Commission for Africa. The Procurement Services Unit

Objectives of the Program “Economic Commission for Africa (CEA)”:

  1. To understand the objectives (regional integration, African development...), structure and functions of the Economic Commission for Africa (CEA)
  2. To analyze the Macroeconomic Policy of the Commission
  3. To know the Economic Report on Africa
  4. To analyze the role and the areas of cooperation of the Division of Trade and Regional Integration
  5. To evaluate the social development programs, natural resources, innovation and technology, gender and governance of the Economic Commission for Africa (CEA)
  6. To analyze the role of the Commission in relation to the Regional Economic Communities (REC)
  7. To understand the functioning of the Procurement Services Unit of the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Syllabus of the Program: African Development Bank.

  1. Introduction to the African Development Bank
  2. Report on African development
  3. Structure of the African Development Bank
  4. African Development Bank strategy (2013 to 2022)
    1. African Infrastructures Development
    2. Regional Economic Integration
    3. Private Sector Development
    4. Governance
  5. Funds of the African Development Bank:
    1. Africa 50 Infrastructure Fund
    2. Africa Trade Fund
    3. African Financing Partnership
    4. African Financial Markets Initiative
    5. African Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  6. Financial instruments of the African Development Bank
  7. African Women in Business Initiative
  8. Agriculture and agro-industries;
    1. Agro-industrial Development
    2. African agriculture
  9. Case Study: impact of the global crisis in Africa
  10. Towards the continental free-trade area

Projects and operations of the African Development Bank.

  1. Introduction to projects and operations of the African Development Bank
  2. Doing Business with the African Development Bank

Objectives of the Program “African Development Bank”:

  1. To understand the objectives, structure and functions of the African Development Bank
  2. To determine the areas of cooperation of the African Development Bank
  3. To analyze the African Development Bank strategy
  4. To evaluate the funds and financial instruments of the African Development Bank
  5. To understand the projects and operations of the African Development Bank

Syllabus of the Program: The Agenda 2063 “The Africa We Want

  1. Vision and priorities of the Agenda 2063
  2. African aspirations for 2063
  3. Integrated Continent
  4. Inclusive growth and sustainable development
  5. Peaceful and Secure Africa: “By 2020 all guns will be silent
  6. Good Governance, Democracy, Human Rights, Justice and Rule of Law
  7. Africa as a strong, united and influential global player and partner
  8. Strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics
  9. Development is people-driven, unleashing women and youth potential
  10. Roadmap of the Agenda 2063
  11. Factors for Africa's transformation

EENI African Business Portal.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

The subjects of the first semester of the Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business.

Online Bachelor: African Institutions (Bachelor of Science Africa, L1-1)


  1. ECTS = European Transfer and Accumulation System
  2. CECT = Credit of Capitalisable and Transferable Evaluation (CAMES)

Samples: Institutions Leading the African Transformation (Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business, e-learning, first semester).

Africa Agenda 2063

Online Bachelor: African Free-Trade Area

African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) Socio-economic development framework

Online Bachelor: African Development Bank Strategy 2013–2022

Online Bachelor: African Gender Development Index

Language of the subject “Institutions Leading the African Transformation” of the Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business taught by EENI Global Business School (first semester): Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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