EENI Global Business School

How to export to...(Market Access)

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How to export to... (Market Access)

Business in - Market Access EENI Global Business School.

The “Market access” utility offers to students information in real-time on how to export to that market: tariffs, Quotas, rules of origin, Non-tariff Measures, Anti-dumping, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, technical trade barriers, or safeguards. With this information, the student can make their export manual for this market according to their needs (country of origin, product or service to be exported). Below is a summary of the information that can be obtained:

International Market Access

Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

Non-tariff Measures to Trade

For all countries (En).

  1. How to Export to. Foreign trade of one selected product between two countries: historical trade, Most-favoured-nation and preferential tariffs, tariff quotas (if any), and rule of origin that permits the product to qualify for the preferential tariff (Inter-American Development Bank)
  2. Import Tariffs. Exports. Tariffs and imports: duty ranges, by product groups, exports to largest trading partners and duties faced (WTO)
  3. Non-tariff measures (WTO). Anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary, Technical Barriers to Trade (En, Fr, Es)
  4. Standards, labeling, certification. Standards and conformity assessment activities. Product Certification. Standards Organizations. Technical Regulations. Accreditation (U.S.)
  5. Harmonized Commodities Code
  6. Trade map. Trade statistics for international business development (*) (En Es Fr)
  7. Import/Export tariffs. Search for tariffs, tariff quotas, trade remedies and their ad valorem equivalent (MACMAP) (*)
  8. Non-tariff measures. Search for non-tariff measures (market requirements, taxes, and procedures) applied by a country. (*)
  9. Compare tariffs. Compare average tariffs that a country faces worldwide when it exports or tariffs that a state applies when it imports a particular product. (*)
  10. Agreements and Rules of origin. Trade Agreements applied by one country to any another country and the corresponding Rules of origin and certificates for the latest available year. (*)

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Some examples (only a summary as an example):

Asian Countries.

  1. Free Trade Agreements (Asian Development Bank, Economic and Social Commission for Asia (ESCAP)). Comprehensive listing of all bilateral and plurilateral agreements with at least one Asian Country as signatory
  2. FTA Database. Free Trade Agreements Database in Asia (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

Countries of the EU.

  1. Import Procedures. Specific requirements, internal taxes, Generalized System of Preferences, rules of origin
  2. Exporting to the EU. Product classification system, import procedures, documents for customs clearance, customs Union, Excise duties
  3. Statistics. Trade flows (Import-Export) between any country and the EU
  4. Free Trade Agreements. Preferential tariff treatment, Trade Facilitation, investment, Intellectual Property Rights, Government procurement, technical standards and sanitary and phytosanitary
  5. TARIC Integrated Community Tariff. Measures relating to tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation
  6. EUROSTAT. Statistics of the EU: International Trade, economy, foreign trade, GDP, employment, finance
  7. Country profiles. Euro indicators: foreign trade, economy, finance, education, health, information society
  8. Statistical Atlas. Maps: Economy, finance, population, industry, international trade, transportation, agriculture
  9. Binding Tariff Information
  10. Quotas. Tariff quota consultation
  11. List of Surveillances. Surveillance is a measure defined to monitor import amounts and values of certain products
  12. Authorized Economic Operators
  13. Taxes by countries
  14. VAT
  15. Taxpayer Identification Number

AMERICAN COUNTRIES (Inter-American Development Bank) (En Es Pt).

  1. Trade Agreements: profiles with basic facts, detailed chronologies of the ratification and subsequent amendment, and complete official texts
  2. Most-favoured-nation Tariffs. Non-preferential customs duties specified at the most disaggregated level applicable to imports of the countries in the region
  3. Tariff Phase-Out Schedules. Rules of origin. Tariff Rate Quotas. Searchable database of product-level preference margins and preferential tariffs applied over the phase-out period. Product is eligible for preferential market access. Quantitative restrictions on preferential tariff treatment
  4. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards. Assessment of the depth and coverage of SPS in Trade Agreements; database of SPS-related border rejections; survey of trade concerns reported to the WTO and involving LAC countries; information on certification procedures for private standards
  5. Integration and trade Indicators. A comprehensive set of defined and customizable indicators to assess trade performance and analyze trade policies of the countries in the region
  6. Rules of Origin. Permits identification at product level of the specific rule of origin, indicating the materials that must be sourced in a member country. The fulfilment Calculator allows the user to input the materials used, and returns an evaluation as to whether that sourcing pattern complies or not with the requirements of the rule

Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) countries (En Es Pt).

  1. Import guide. Administrative Requirements for the Importation of goods, Taxation, Preferred Mechanisms
  2. Tariffs. Information on tariffs, Charges and Special Conditions
  3. Foreign Trade. Exports FOB, imports CIF, trade balance, social indicators
  4. Tariff Benefits (Received - Granted)
  5. Regimes of origin. Regimes of origin for partial scope agreements and regional agreements (ALADI countries)
  6. Business Opportunities. Business Intelligence Tool. Analysis on Business Opportunities in ALADI countries
  7. Trade Agreements. Summaries and texts of the agreements in ALADI countries
  8. Regulations. Rules governing foreign trade of the ALADI countries

MERCOSUR Countries.

  1. Common External Tariff of the MERCOSUR. Online consulting CET (based on the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature - 8 digits). (Es Pt)
  2. Rules of Origin. Database to identify regimes of origin in the MERCOSUR. (Es Pt)

Andean Community countries (Es).

  1. Integrated Foreign Trade System (SICEX), trade information system of the Andean Community
  2. CAN Tariff Measures. Consultation tariff measures (merchandise name or code) in the Andean Community member states
  3. Integrated Andin Tariff ARIAN. The ARIAN is a tool to facilitate the implementation of measures relating to imports and exports of the Andean Community member states
  4. NANDINA Common Nomenclature
  5. CAN indicators. Demographic Indicators, Macroeconomics, Prices, foreign trade, Sectoral... In the Andean Community countries


  1. Private Standards applicable in the international markets (concept, principal products covered, requirements and procedures for obtaining certification) (Inter-American Development Bank) (En Es)
  2. SPS Regulations and Border Rejections. Database on SPS-related border rejections (En Es)
  3. The United States/European Union-Requirements to Export Food and Feed (Inter-American Development Bank). Steps required for a company to export food or feed products to the U.S. or the EU. Requirements regarding an Import Licensing, production and processing, chemical additives, labeling and packaging, and storage and Shipping are all detailed. Links to the websites of the agencies charged with administering the various regulations are included

Country Risk

  1. COFACE. Strengths, weaknesses, risk assessment, Business Climate. Analyses use a seven-level ranking. Ascending order of risk: A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C and D
  2. ONDD. Risk assessment. Political, commercial, war, expropriation risk

International Fairs.

  1. Fairs. International Trade fairs and exhibitions. 5,000 trade fairs: dates, distribution data, statistics and contact information. Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)
  2. Jetro. International fairs grouped by countries and sectors. Provided by JETRO Japan

Intellectual property rights (IPR).

  1. IPR. Find resources related to intellectual property rights for businesses
  2. IPR (World Intellectual Property Organization). Information for local IP offices, a repository of domestic IP laws, and treaty membership information for each country

(*) Only registered users (free for users from the developing countries).

Legend: En English, Es: Spanish, Fr: French, Pt: Portuguese.

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Learning materials - Country profile - Foreign Trade - Market Access - Investment - Complementary information - Regional Associations - Agreements.

Student, Online Doctorate in International Business

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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