To understand the ethical principles of these religions
To study its influence on business and the Sinic Economic Area
To analyze the profiles of Confucian and Taoist entrepreneurs and companies
To define the characteristics of the Sinic Economic Area
To explore the economic and political relations of the Sinic Civilization with the other civilizations (Western, Hindu, Buddhist,
Islamic and African)
To understand the processes of economic integration and the main Organizations related to the Sinic Economic Area
To know the economic profile of the countries of influence of the Sinic Civilization
This course contains exercises that are evaluated, which the student must work out and pass to obtain the Diploma of the Professional Course: “Taoism, Confucianism and Business”
issued by EENI Global Business School.
“The Benevolence is not to do to others what you would not want to be done to yourself” Analects XII-1 (Confucius).
Companies with Taoist influence. Chang Yung-fa (I-Kuan Tao). Director of Evergreen (Taiwan)
3- Other religions in China: Islam, Christianity and Buddhism
Buddhism in China: the most important religion in China (even though China is a secular country)
Christianity in China (67 million)
Islam in China
Note: the analysis of Buddhism is not done in this course, but in the course on Buddhism.
4- Sinic Economic Area
The religions of China (Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism) and their relationship with the Sinic Civilization
Sinic Economic Area
China as the central state of the Sinic Civilization
Countries of the area of influence of the Sinic Civilization: China, South
Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam
Although Buddhism is the majority religion in Japan, the influence of Taoism and Confucianism is very significant in the Japanese culture as well as in Shintoism
North Korea has historically been a country of influence of the Sinic Civilization. However, the communist dictatorship
impedes freedom of religion
The expansion of the Sinic Civilization in Africa (sinicization of Africa)
The Diaspora of the Sinic Civilization
Chinese businessmen and companies
Economic integration of the Sinic Economic Area
Interactions with the other civilizations
Economic Organizations related to the Sinic Economic Area
This Course is aimed at executives and companies wishing to do business in China (a BRICS Country, the largest market in the world), a market where the
influence of Taoism and Confucianism (as well as Buddhism) is
Taoism and Confucianism, Yin and Yang, responsibility and freedom,
represent the two poles of the Chinese society; like the Yin and Yang, Confucianism
would not exist without Taoism, and vice versa. These two traditions of
wisdom, along with Buddhism and Shamanism are part of the Sinic Civilization and its entire area of influence: the Sinic Economic Area: China, South Korea,
Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam
China is a member of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Programme formed by Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia (Buddhist country)
Hindu Civilization: China-India Regional Trading Agreement
Orthodox Civilization: China-Moldova agreement, China-Eurasian Economic Union agreement
Multi-civilizations Agreements: China is a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization formed by Muslim countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and Russia (orthodox country)
Political-economic interactions of South Korea with other