EENI Global Business School

Why study Taoism, Confucianism and Business?

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Taoism, Confucianism, Ethics, Business (Course / Master / Doctorate)

Taoism, Confucianism and Business

Online Asian Student (Master, Doctorate) Foreign Trade, Business

Why study the course “Taoism, Confucianism, Ethics and Business”?

Foreign Trade and Business in China

This online educational program is aimed at executives and companies wishing to do business in China (a BRICS Country, the largest market in the world), a market where the influence of Taoism and Confucianism (as well as Buddhism) is fundamental.

Taoism Wu Wei

Taoism and Confucianism, Yin and Yang, responsibility and freedom, represent the two poles of the Chinese society; like the Yin and Yang, Confucianism would not exist without Taoism, and vice versa.

These two traditions of wisdom, along with Buddhism and Shamanism are part of the Sinic Civilization and its entire area of influence: the Sinic Economic Area (China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam).

Note: the analysis of Buddhism is not done in this course, but in the course on Buddhism.

Knowing the pillars of the Confucian Ethics and the Taoist Ethics will be essential to understand their influence on business, culture and even in the relations between the countries in the Sinic Economic Area, as with the relations with the other economic areas. The GUANXI, based on Confucianism, is fundamental to understand the importance of the personal relationships in China.

The Chinese multinationals (HAIER, COSCO, Galanz, Huawei, Chint...) have become key players in the world economy, being present in the five continents and controlling important companies around the world. 70% of the toys in the world, 40% of the microwaves, 20% of the refrigerators, 25% of the washing machines or 30% of the air conditioners are manufactured by the Chinese companies. The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, with 53,000 factories, is the largest exporting and importing region in China, thanks to the Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with Hong Kong.

To better understand the Chinese business idiosyncrasy, the student will analyze the profile of several Chinese companies and entrepreneurs, where the influence of Confucianism and Taoism on their business strategy and corporate social responsibility policies. The profiles of Zhang Ruimin (president of the Haier Group, Confucian) or Chang Yung-fa (Director of Evergreen, Taiwan) practising the I-Kuan Tao religion (with elements of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism) will be analyzed.

Zhang Ruimin, Confucian Chinese Businessman, China

Therefore, this course is also recommended for anyone who wants to do business with the Chinese companies from anywhere in the world or who wants to work in a company of a Chinese origin.

The course is also aimed at all those who wish to do business in the markets of the Sinic Economic Area: China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Civilizations and economic integration

The Economic Organizations and Trade Agreements between the countries of the Sinic Economic Area will also be analyzed.

  1. Intra-Sinic Trade Agreements: China-Singapore, Korea-Singapore, Japan-Singapore...
  2. Relations with the ASEAN
    1. China-ASEAN Agreement
    2. ASEAN-South Korea Free Trade Area
    3. ASEAN-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

Singapore-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

As well as, the interactions with the other economic areas:

  1. Economic organizations: APEC, Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA), Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD), Greater Mekong Subregion, Trans-Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement (CPTPP)..
  2. Trade Agreements:
    1. China has trade agreements with Pakistan, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Costa Rica, the EU, Andean Community..
    2. South Korea has trade agreements with the EFTA, the U.S., Singapore, ASEAN-South Korea Free-Trade Area, the EU, India, Peru, Chile, SACU..
    3. Japan has trade agreements with Mexico, Chile, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Switzerland, Indonesia...
    4. Singapore has trade agreements with Australia, China, Jordan, India, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, EFTA, the U.S...
    5. Taiwan has trade agreements with Panama, Guatemala, Honduras-El Salvador, and Nicaragua...

The strong influence of China in Africa (the Sinization of Africa, control of raw materials), and the increasing the role of Korea and Japan in the African continent will also be analyzed.

  1. China-Africa Cooperation: a key political-trade tool for the Sinization of Africa
  2. Africa-BRICS Countries (China is one of the BRICS Countries)
  3. Africa-Korea Partnership
  4. Tokyo International Conference on African Development (Japan)

Religions, Ethics, and Global Business

Why study Religions and Business?.

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Religiones de China Study Doctorate in International Business in French Religions de la Chine Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Religiões da China.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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