BRICS Countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, South AfricaBRICS Markets: 23% of world's GDP, 53.4% of world populationMasters: International Business, Foreign Trade. BRICS Countries
Goldman Sachs predicts that:
India and China are investing in higher education and going for the “intellectual capital,” while Russia and Brazil depend too on the commodity prices and are not making the necessary investments in infrastructure and human capital. India has ten of the thirty fastest-growing urban areas in the World and, based on the actual trends, 700 million people will move to the Indian cities by 2050. This will have significant implications for the demand for urban infrastructure, real estate, and services. The economy of India will surpass the United States economy (in USD) by 2043. Tata Motors acquired two recognized old British car-making brands: Jaguar and Land Rover. Note: South Africa officially became a member of the BRICS in 2010, BRIC was renamed to BRICS (S for South Africa). Location of the BRICS Countries and the largest emerging markets.
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |