EENI Global Business School

Kuwait: Masters in International Business

Masters and Doctorate in Global Business adapted to Kuwaiti Students

Master in International Business: Globalization, Foreign Trade, Transportation, Global Marketing, Adaptation to Kuwait (Middle East), World Economic Areas, Thesis, Career Opportunities.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Kuwait Masters, Doctorate, Foreign Trade, BusinessKuwait - Kuwaiti Students (Kuwait City, Al Wafrah, Al Jahra, Mina al Ahmadi, Nuwaysib, Bubiyam, Shuwaykh...).

Online Arab Student, Master International Business

Related Online Masters and Doctorate taught by EENI Global Business School.

  1. Doctorate: World Trade, Ethics, Religion & Business
  2. Masters: Foreign Trade, International Transport

ماجسـتير تنفيذي في التجارة الخارجية ،التسويق الدولي والتدويل (ماجسـتير تنفيذي في التجارة الخارجية ،التسويق الدولي والتدويل)
- العولمة - التجارة الخارجية - التسويق الدولي - التكيف مع بلد - وسط طلاب الشرق - تدويل - التجارية في الصين

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

ماجسـتير تنفيذي في التجارة

Diploma of Master, Doctorate in International Business

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

 الكويت وحدة “التكيف للطلبة الكويتيين للماجستير في التجارة الخارجية للأعمال التجارية الدولية، التسويق العالمي والعولمة.

Summary of the Adaptation of the Master (MIB)/Doctorate in International Business for the Kuwaiti Students.

Doctorate Kuwait

Foreign Trade and Business in the Middle East

Kuwait and the Arab Economic Area of the Islamic Civilization. الكويت والمنطقة الاقتصادية العربية في الحضارة الإسلامية.

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

  1. Kuwaiti economy.   الاقتصاد الكويتي
  2. International Trade of Kuwait. التجارة الدولية في الكويت
  3. Nasser Al Kharafi ناصر الخرافي
  4. Shaikha Al Bahar الشيخة البحر
  5. Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen جواد أحمد بوخمسين
  6. Maha Al-Ghunaim مها الغنيم

Jawad Bukhamseen, Kuwaiti Businessman, Muslim (Kuwait)

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Kuwait and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

  1. Australia-GCC Agreement
  2. Gulf Cooperation Council Trade Agreements (Kuwait): the ASEAN, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, MERCOSUR, and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
  3. India-Kuwait Agreement (الهند - دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي اتفاقية التجارة الحرة)
  4. European Union-Kuwait (GCC) (الاتحاد الاوروبي - مجلس التعاون الخليجي اتفاقية التجارة الحرة)

Islamic Organizations. Arab League

  1. Kuwait and the Arab League
  2. Arab Trade Financing Programme
  3. Arab Gulf Programme
  4. Kuwait and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
    1. Islamic Trade Preferential System
    2. Committee for Economic Cooperation of the OIC
    3. Islamic Chamber of Commerce
    4. Islamic Centre for Development of Trade
    5. Statistical Economic Centre for Islamic Countries
  5. Arab Development Funds
  6. Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
  7. Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
  8. Islamic Development Bank
  9. OPEC Fund for International Development
  10. Economic Social Commission Western Asia (الأمم المتحدة بإيجاز)
  11. Greater Arab Free-Trade Area (GAFTA)
  12. Asia Cooperation Dialogue
  13. Afro-Arab Cooperation
  14. Arab Bank for Africa (BADEA)
  15. AMED: Asia-Kuwait Dialogue
  16. ASPA: Summit of South American-Kuwait

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. United Nations
    1. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
    2. International Trade Centre
    3. Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
    4. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  2. World Bank
  3. International Monetary Fund
  4. African Development Bank

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

Trade Facilitation.

  1. World Trade Organization (WTO)
    1. Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
    2. Trade Facilitation Agreement
    3. Agreement on Sanitary Measures
    4. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
    5. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
    6. Agreement on Safeguards
  2. World Customs Organization (WCO)
    1. Kyoto Convention (Containers)
  3. International Road Transport Union (IRU)
    1. TIR Convention
    2. Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport
  4. International Chamber of Shipping
  5. BIC (Containers)
  6. Chicago Convention (ICAO)
  7. International Maritime Organization
    1. Istanbul Convention - not a member
  8. Customs Convention on Containers - not a member

Global Transport and Logistics

Access to the China-Pakistan Logistics Corridor.

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development

Master in International Business: Foreign Trade, Global Marketing, and Internationalization (MIB, Online E-learning)
Master Arabic

Nasser Al Kharafi. Kuwaiti Muslim Businessman (Kuwait, Business)

Shaikha Al Bahar, Eighth most powerful Arab woman (Kuwait)

Maha Al-Ghunaim, the fourth most powerful Arab Businesswoman (Kuwait)

EENI Middle East Students:
EENI Middle East Students (Master, Doctorate, Global, Business)

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Kuwait Study Doctorate in International Business in French Koweit.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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