EENI Global Business School

Arab Development Funds - Saudi Arabia

Arab Official Development Assistance. Islamic Development Bank. BADEA

The objectives of the subject “Arab Development Funds” is to offer a global and practical vision on:

  1. The Arab Official Development Assistance and the largest Arab donors
  2. Principal beneficiaries of the Arab Official Development Assistance
  3. Characteristics of the various Arab Development Funds

Online Arab Student, Master International Business

The Subject “Arab Development Funds” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Course: Islam & Business.

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

Master in Business in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: Islamic Business, African Business, Ethics, Religion & Business, World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English (or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Fonds Arabes Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Fondos Árabes Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Organization of Islamic Cooperation).

Intended for all those wanting to specialize in all the aspects related to the Arab Development Funds and obtaining funding for development projects in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: financing modalities, types of development aid or the characteristics of the financeable projects.

Credits of the Subject “Arab Development Funds”: 1 ECTS Credits

  1. Download the Subject Syllabus: “Arab Development Funds” (PDF)

Islamic Organizations. Arab League

The largest Arab donors are:

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Kuwait
  3. Emirates (UAE)

The Arab Official Development Assistance (ODA) represents 13% of the global ODA.

  1. Average of the official development assistance (ODA) of these three countries: 1.5% of their combined gross national income (1973–2008)
  2. Average of the ODA of the OECD economies: 0.7%

The main receptors of the Arab Official Development Assistance are the Muslim countries (Islamic Civilization) are Afghanistan, Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Senegal, Sudan, Somalia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ivory Coast, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Syria, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Gabon, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Comoros, Iraq, Maldives, Djibouti, Benin, Brunei, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Albania, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mozambique, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Suriname, Togo, and Guyana.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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