EENI Global Business School

Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen, Kuwaiti Businessman

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Syllabus of the Subject

Founder of the International Bank of Kuwait, Jawad Bukhamseen

  1. Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen (Kuwaiti Businessman, Muslim)
  2. Bukhamseen Group
  3. Application of the Sharia in the International Bank of Kuwait

Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen (Kuwaiti Businessman):
Jawad Bukhamseen, Kuwaiti Businessman, Muslim (Kuwait)

Online Arab Student, Master International Business

The Subject “Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen (Kuwaiti Businessman)” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: Islamic Business, Ethics, Religion & Business, World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Course: Islam & Business.

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

Kuwait Masters, Doctorate, Foreign Trade, Business Masters adapted to Kuwaiti Students.

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen Study Doctorate in International Business in French Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen.

Foreign Trade and Business in the Middle East

The Bukhamseen Group (Kuwait), was created fifty years ago with the vision of the Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen, a highly respected business leader in the Middle East

  1. Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen created the Jawad Bukhamseen Commercial Corporation in 1957 in Kuwait
  2. Thanks to the excellent Leadership and vision of Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen, the group has grown from a family business to a global enterprise with diversified business
  3. Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen is a devout Muslim

The International Bank of Kuwait (KIB), belongs to the Bukhamseen Group.

  1. The Central Bank of Kuwait has accredited the possibility to offer Islamic Banking services: deposits, Murabaha (auto, real estate, and commodities), Ijara Muntahia Bittamleek (leasing with a purchase option), Istisna'a, Tawarruq, letters of credit, Wakala, financial transactions, and foreign direct investment
  2. Sharia Supervisory Board.
    1. A team of Islamic scholars is the responsible for reviewing new products, contracts, and investment operations of the International Bank of Kuwait to certify that all the financial activities of the Bank are according to the Sharia principles
  3. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, the Emirates, the First Gulf Bank of the Bukhamseen Group was co-Founded in 1979 by Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen

Jawad Ahmed Bukhamseen (Muslim Businessman) belongs to the Arab Economic Area.

  1. Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
  2. Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development

Kuwaiti Businessman.

  1. Nasser Al Kharafi
  2. Shaikha Al Bahar
  3. Maha Al-Ghunaim

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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