EENI Global Business School

Ukraine, Master in International Business. Kiev

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Ukrainian Students (Master) Kazan, Samara, Rostov, Omsk, Saratov, Voronezh, Kalingrad, Nizhny-Novgorod

No to the war!!! Peace for Ukraine!!

Master in International Business: Globalization, Foreign Trade, Transportation, Global Marketing, Adaptation to the Ukrainian Students (Europe), World Economic Areas, Thesis, Career Opportunities.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Ukraine, Masters, International Business Trade Ukraine - Ukrainian Students (Україна) Kiev, Kyiv, LViv, Uzhhorod, Odesa, Cherkasy, Reni, Sevastopol, Kherson, Yalta.

E-learning Course Master, International Business

Related education taught by EENI Global Business School for Ukrainian Students:

  1. Master in International Business Магістр міжнародного бізнесу (зовнішня торгівля, міжнародний маркетинг і Інтернаціоналізація)
  2. Masters: Foreign Trade, International Transport
  3. Doctorate (DIB): European Business, World Trade, Global Logistics, Ethics, Religion & Business

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

(EENI стипендії Україні).

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

Summary of the Adaptation to the Ukrainian Students:

Ukraine Master in International Business (online)

Foreign Trade and Business in the Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey

Ukraine and the Orthodox Economic Area.

Orthodox Christianity, Ethics and Global Business

  1. Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine
  2. Economy of Ukraine
  3. Business in Kiev
  4. Ukrainian Foreign Trade

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Regional Trade Agreements and Preferential Access:

  1. Black Sea Economic Cooperation (Чорноморське економічне співробітництво ЧЕС)
  2. Ukraine and the Central European Initiative CEI (Центрально-Європейської Ініціативи ЦЄІ)
  3. Regional Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (Регіональна організація за демократію та економічний розвиток ГУАМ)

Ukraine was an observer member of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) - Succeeded by the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Trade Agreements:

  1. Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union
  2. EFTA-Ukraine Agreement
  3. Belarus-Kazakhstan-Russia-Ukraine Common Economic Space
  4. Armenia-Ukraine Agreement
  5. Ukraine-Azerbaijan Agreement
  6. Ukraine-Belarus Agreement
  7. Georgia-Ukraine Agreement
  8. Ukraine-Kazakhstan Agreement
  9. Ukraine-Macedonia Agreement
  10. Ukraine-Moldova Agreement
  11. Ukraine-Tajikistan Agreement
  12. Kyrgyz Republic-Ukraine Agreement
  13. Ukraine-Turkmenistan Agreement
  14. Ukraine-Uzbekistan Agreement
  15. Ukraine-Montenegro Agreement
  16. Georgia-Moldova-Ukraine-Azerbaijan Agreement
  17. Ukraine-Israel Agreement
  18. UK-Ukraine Free Trade and Economic Integration Agreement
  19. Canada-Ukraine Agreement
  20. Free trade agreement of Ukraine with Serbia
  21. Trade Agreements of Ukraine under negotiation: Canada, Singapore
  22. Угоди про вільну торгівлю України (FTA): ЄАВТ, Вірменія, Грузія, Киргизстан, Таджикистан, Азербайджан, Білорусь, Росія, Казахстан, Молдова, Чорногорія, Туркменістан, Узбекистан, Македонія, а також Європейського союзу

Ukraine and the EU.

  1. Ukraine-EU Agreement (EU Eastern Partnership)
  2. European Neighborhood Policy
  3. European Investment Bank
  4. Ukraine and the Black Sea Synergy (Чорноморська синергія ЄС)

European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement

Trans-European Transport Corridors

Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia TRACECA: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia...

Globalization and International Organizations

European Organizations:

  1. UNECE
  2. OSCE

Ukraine is an observer country

  1. Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)
  2. Association of Caribbean States (AEC)

Global Organizations:

  1. UN
    1. UNCTAD
    2. ITC
    3. WIPO
  2. WB
  3. IMF

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

Trans-European Transport Network Corridors (Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Italy)

EFTA-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Ucrania Study Doctorate in International Business in French Ukraine.

EENI European Students:
Online European Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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