Business in Uzbekistan. Petrol, Gas, Tashkent
Uzbek Foreign Trade, Logistics. Gold. Economic Profile (provinces of Uzbekistan)
- Introduction to the Republic of Uzbekistan (Central Asia)
- Uzbek Economy
- Economic Profile of the Provinces of Uzbekistan
- Uzbek Financial system
- Uzbek Tourism sector
- Six advantages of Uzbekistan in the global economy
- Business in Tashkent
- Transport and Logistics
- Case Study: International transport corridors of Uzbekistan
- Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan
- Business Opportunities in Uzbekistan
- Petrol and gas industry
- Automotive
- Chemical industry
- Agricultural
- Machinery manufacturing
- Biotechnology
- Uzbek Pharmaceutical industries
- Information technologies (IT)
- Case Study: SC “Uzavtosanoat” (automotive industry)
- Access to the Uzbek market
- Business Plan for Uzbekistan

The objectives of the subject “Foreign Trade, Logistics and Business in Uzbekistan” are the following:
- To analyze the Uzbek Economy, Logistics and Foreign Trade
- To identify business opportunities in Uzbekistan
- To explore the Uzbek trade relations with the student's country
- To know the Uzbek Trade Agreements
- To examine the profile of Uzbek companies
- To develop a business plan for the Uzbek market

International Trade, Logistics and Business in Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan: The Central Asian Trade Oasis.

- WTO (in process of accession)
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Kyoto Convention
- BIC (Containers)
- Chicago Convention (ICAO)
- International Maritime Organization
- Customs Convention on Containers
- International Road Transport Union (IRU)
- TIR Convention
- Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport
- Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD)

- Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
- Islamic Development Bank
Euro-Asian Organizations:
- Economic Commission for Asia (ESCAP)
- Asian Development Bank
- Asia Cooperation Dialogue
- Boao Forum for Asia
- European Investment Bank
- Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- Africa-Asia Strategic NAASP

- United Nations
- World Bank
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- International Monetary Fund
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Uzbekistan-EU:
- European Investment Bank
- Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- The Republic of Uzbekistan is the largest country in Central Asia
- Strategic location in the region
- Uzbekistan is very rich in natural and human resources
- The Republic of Uzbekistan consists of twelve provinces and the autonomous Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston
- Independence of Uzbekistan from the URSS in 1991
- Uzbekistan is a landlocked country
- Borders of Uzbekistan: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan,
and Turkmenistan
- Are of Uzbekistan: 447,400 km²
- Uzbek Population: 29 million people (the largest in Central Asia and third in CIS countries)
- Capital of Uzbekistan: Tashkent
- Official language of Uzbekistan: Uzbek
- Russian is also used as lingua franca in the region
Main religion in Uzbekistan:
Islam (90% of the Uzbek population).

Uzbekistan belongs to the Central Eurasian Economic Area (Islamic Civilization).
Economy of Uzbekistan.
- Uzbek GDP growth: 8.1%
- Services: 54% of the GDP of Uzbekistan
- Main Uzbek economic sectors: industrial goods, agricultural, construction, and retail
- Uzbek Natural resources: mineral (petrol and gas) and agricultural
- Copper, gold (four largest reserves in the World), uranium, and tungsten reserves
- Uzbek Currency: Uzbek Soum
- Uzbek inflation: 6.1%
- 1 million jobs created
International Trade and Business in Uzbekistan:

International Trade of Uzbekistan.
- Merchandise exports (% of the GDP): 23%
- Merchandise imports (% of the GDP): 23,6%
- Service exports (% of the GDP): 4.4%
- Services Imports (% of the GDP): 1.4%
- FDI Inflows (% of the GDP): 1.3
- Top
export markets of Uzbekistan are China, Kazakhstan,
Turkey, and Bangladesh
- Top import suppliers of Uzbekistan are China, Russia, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Germany, and Turkey
- Access to the Eurasian Land Transport Initiative
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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