Business in Tajikistan, Dushanbe. Tajik Economy
Privatization in Tajikistan. Tajik Foreign Trade, Logistics. Mining. Silk Road
- Introduction to the Republic of Tajikistan (Central Asia)
- Tajik Economy
- Privatization Process in Tajikistan
- Business in Dushanbe
- Foreign Trade of Tajikistan
- Transport and Logistics
- Business Opportunities in Tajikistan:
- Energy
- Mining Industry
- Chemical industry
- Civil construction
- Construction materials manufacturing
- Light and food industry
- Agriculture and agricultural processing products
- Tourism
- Investment in Tajikistan
- Case Study: Tajik Aluminum Company
- Access to the Tajik market
- Business Plan for Tajikistan
The purposes of the subject “Foreign Trade, Logistics and Business in Tajikistan” are the following:
- To analyze the Tajik Economy, Logistics and Foreign Trade
- To identify business opportunities in Tajikistan
- To explore the Tajik trade relations with the student's country
- To know the Tajik Trade Agreements
- To examine the profile of Tajik companies
- To develop a business plan for the Tajik market
International Trade, Logistics and Business in Tajikistan.
Tajikistan is one of the World's poorest countries.
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
- Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
- Agreement on Safeguards
- Trade Facilitation Agreement
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Kyoto Convention
- Chicago Convention (ICAO)
- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- Convention for Safe Containers
- Istanbul Convention
- Customs Convention on Containers - not a member
- Convention Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods
- International Road Transport Union (IRU)
- TIR Convention
- Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport
- Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD)
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
- Islamic Development Bank
- Tajikistan - Middle East (AMED)
Euro-Asian Organizations:
- Economic Commission for Asia (ESCAP)
- Asian Development Bank
- Asia Cooperation Dialogue
- Boao Forum for Asia
- European Investment Bank
- Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- Africa-Asia Strategic NAASP
- United Nations
- International Trade Centre
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- UNCTAD - Not-member
- World Bank
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- International Monetary Fund
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Tajikistan shares borders with Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan
- Tajik Capital: Dushanbe
- The largest cities of Tajikistan are Khujand, Kulyab, Kurgan-Tube, and Khorog
- Official language of Tajikistan: Tajik (Persian language) and Russian
- Tajik Population: 7 million people
- The Tajik people represent 80% of the population
- Independence of Tajikistan: 1991 (URSS)
- Tajikistan is a Landlocked country
- Area of Tajikistan: 141,800 km².
- Tajikistan is the smallest country in Central Asia
- Mountains cover 93% of the territory of Tajikistan
The main religion of Tajikistan is Sunni
Tajikistan belongs to the Central Eurasian Economic Area (Islamic Civilization).
Tajik Economy.
- Strong economic reforms in Tajikistan
- Tajikistan is part of the Silk Road, the Asian Trade route
- Tajik Natural resources: precious metals (gold, silver), zinc, uranium, iron, manganese, and ore (400 mines)
- Huge hydro resources potential
- Tajikistan has the largest Asian coal reserves
- Legal guarantees for investors and investment protection
- Free economic zones
- Tajik GDP growth: 5%
- Tajik Currency: Somoni
International Trade and Business in Tajikistan:
International Trade of Tajikistan.
- Main Tajik exports:
aluminum (50% of the total exports), hydro-power, cotton, fruits, vegetable oil, and textile
- Largest export markets
of Tajikistan: the Netherlands,
Turkey, Iran, and Uzbekistan
- Main imports of Tajikistan: electricity, petroleum products, aluminum dioxide, cars, machinery, and food commodities
- Top Tajik import partners: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and Turkey
- Main sectors receiving FDI: energy, civil construction, banking services, and communication sector
- The largest investors in Tajikistan are Russia, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, China, Canada, the United States, and the UK
- Access to the Eurasian Land Transport Initiative
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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