EENI Global Business School

Tajikistan, Master in International Business, Dushanbe

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Tajikistan Dushanbe (Masters and Doctorate in Global Business). Tajik students (Online)

Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон/Çumhuriji Toçikiston

Master in International Business: Globalization, World Economic Areas, Foreign Trade, Transportation, Global Marketing, Adaptation to Tajik students (Asia), Thesis, Career Opportunities.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Tajikistan, Masters, International Business Trade Tajikistan Tajik students (Dushanbe, Gharm, Khorugh, Kulob, Murghob, Qurghonteppa, Tursunzoda. Jumhurii Tojikiston):

Online Student Master in International Business

Related education taught by EENI Global Business School for Tajik students.

Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон / Çumhuriji Toçikiston.

  1. Master in International Business
  2. Masters: Foreign Trade, International Transport
  3. Doctorate (DIB): Islamic Business, World Trade, Global Logistics, Ethics, Religion & Business

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

Summary of the Adaptation of the Master and Doctorate in International Business to Tajik Students.

Tajikistan Master in International Business (online)

Foreign Trade and Business in Central Eurasia

Tajikistan and the Central Eurasian Economic Area (Islamic Civilization).

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

  1. Тоҷикистон ва Минтақаи иқтисодии Осиёи Марказӣ Авруосиё аз Civilization исломӣ
  2. Tajik Economy
  3. иқтисоди Тоҷикистон
  4. Foreign Trade of Tajikistan
  5. Савдои хориҷии Тоҷикистон

International Trade and Business in Tajikistan

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

  1. Tajikistan and the Economic Cooperation Organization ECO
  2. Тоҷикистон ва Созмони ҳамкории иқтисодӣ
  3. Tajikistan and the Commonwealth of Independent States CIS
  4. Tajikistan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO
  5. Central Asia Cooperation (CAREC)

Tajikistan and the Eurasian Economic Community EURASEC - Succeeded by the Eurasian Economic Union in 2014

Trade Agreements:

  1. Armenia-Tajikistan Agreement
  2. Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union
  3. Ukraine-Tajikistan Agreement

Eurasian Land Transport Initiative (Silk Road, China-Europe)

Almaty-Bishkek Economic Corridor: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China...

Islamic Organizations. Arab League

  1. Arab Development Funds
  2. Organization of Islamic Cooperation
    1. Islamic Trade Preferential System
    2. Committee for Economic Cooperation of the OIC
    3. Islamic Chamber of Commerce
    4. Islamic Centre for Development of Trade
    5. Statistical Economic Centre for Islamic Countries
  3. Islamic Development Bank
  4. AMED - Tajikistan-Middle East

Euro-Asian Organizations:

  1. ESCAP
  2. Asian Development Bank
  3. ACD - Tajikistan and the Asia Cooperation Dialogue
  4. Boao Forum for Asia
  5. OSCE
  6. Tajikistan and the EIB
  7. UNECE
  8. Africa-Asia Strategic Partnership NAASP

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. UN
    1. ITC
    2. WIPO
    3. UNCTAD - Not-member
  2. WB
  3. IMF

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

Trans-Caspian Trade and Transit Corridor (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan...)

Tajik Aluminium Company

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Tajikistán Study Doctorate in International Business in French Tadjikistan.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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