EENI Global Business School

Business in Chile, Santiago, APEC, Exports

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Syllabus of the Subject

Chilean Economy and Foreign Trade. Business in Santiago, Chile

  1. Introduction to Chile (South America)
  2. Chilean Economy
    1. Economic Profile of the regions of Chile
  3. Chilean International Trade
  4. Business in Santiago
  5. Investment in Chile
  6. Case Study: Cencosud
  7. Access to the Chilean Market
  8. Business Plan for Chile

Business in Chile
Valparaiso Chile Business

The aims of the subject “Foreign Trade and Business in Chile” are the following:

  1. To analyze the Chilean Economy and Global Trade
  2. To identify business opportunities in Chile
  3. To explore the Chilean trade relations with the student's country
  4. To know the Chilean Trade Agreements
  5. To examine the profile of the Chilean Companies
  6. To develop a business plan for the Chilean Market

Continuing education (International Trade & Business)

The Subject “Foreign Trade and Business in Chile” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Chile Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Chile Study Doctorate in International Business in French Chili.

  1. Credits of the subject “Doing Business in Chile”: 2 ECTS Credits
  2. Duration: two weeks

Foreign Trade and Business in South America

International Trade and Business in Chile

Market Access - Trade Agreements

Chilean Market Access and Agreements.

  1. Chile and the Hispanic American Economic Area
  2. APEC
  3. Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)
  4. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
  5. Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
  6. Pacific Alliance
  7. Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
  8. Trade Negotiations Among Developing Countries
  9. U.S.-Chile Agreement
  10. India-Chile Preferential Agreement
  11. EU-Chile Agreement
  12. South Korea-Chile Agreement
  13. Chile-Japan Strategic Economic Agreement
  14. Colombia-Chile Agreement
  15. Chile-Canada Agreement
  16. Panama-Chile Agreement
  17. Chile-MERCOSUR Association Agreement
  18. UK-Chile Free Trade and Economic Integration Agreement
  19. Mexico-Chile Agreement
  20. Chile-China Agreement
  21. Chile-Hong Kong China Agreement
  22. Chile-Indonesia Agreement
  23. Chile-Vietnam Agreement
  24. Trade Agreements with the Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, EFTA, Central America, Nicaragua, Malaysia, Andean Community, Panama, Peru, Australia, Thailand and Turkey
  25. Global System of Trade Preferences
  26. Andean Community (associate member)
  27. MERCOSUR (associate member)
  28. SICA (observer country)

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

  1. WTO
    1. GATS
    2. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary Measures
    3. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
    4. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
    5. Agreement on Safeguards
    6. Trade Facilitation Agreement
  2. WCO
    1. Kyoto Convention
  3. BIC
  4. Chicago Convention (ICAO)
  5. IMO
    1. Convention for Safe Containers
    2. Istanbul Convention
  6. Hamburg Rules (Sea)
  7. IRU
    1. TIR Convention
    2. Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport
  8. ICS
  9. Customs Convention on Containers - not a member

Latin American Economic Integration

  1. Inter-American Development Bank
  2. OAS
  3. ECLAC
  4. Africa-South America Summit
  5. East Asia-Latin America Cooperation
  6. Summit South American-Arab Countries
  7. CELAC

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. CPLP (observer country)
  2. PEEC
  3. OECD
  4. UN
  5. WB
  6. WTO
  7. IMF

The Republic of Chile is the regional leader in Hispanic America, mainly due to its democratic stability that ensures an excellent environment for business and foreign direct investment (FDI).

  1. Chile has a population of 17 million people
  2. Chilean official language is Spanish
  3. Capital of Chile: Santiago de Chile
  4. Area of Chile: 756,102 km²
  5. Chilean currency: Peso
  6. Chile has borders with Peru (160 kilometers, Concordia Line), Argentina and Bolivia
  7. Chile gained the independence from Spain in 1810
  8. Abolition of Slavery in Chile: (1823)

Religion in Chile: Christianity.

  1. Catholicism (15 million)
  2. Protestants (Chile has 2 million Methodists)

Chile belongs to the Western Civilization - Hispanic American Economic Area.

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Chilean Economy.

  1. If anything characterizes the economy of Chile is the continuous path of economic growth, placing it among the thirty most dynamic economies
  2. Chile is one of the lowest-risk countries in the World
  3. Chile ranks first in Hispanic America among the most competitive economies in information technology (IT) and communications (World Economic Forum)
  4. Chile ranks fifteenth among the most interesting countries for doing business and foreign direct investment
  5. In the Global Competitiveness Index, Chile took the 28th position out of 134 economies
  6. The Corruption perceptions index of Chile obtained a score of 6.9 (Transparency International)
  7. Chilean GDP: 257,968 million dollars:
    1. Primary sector: 3.6%
    2. Secondary sector: 36%
    3. Tertiary sector: 60.4%
  8. GDP growth: 1.9%. Forecast: 2.5% (public expenditure and external sector)
  9. Unemployment: 6.4%
  10. Chilean inflation: 4.6%
  11. The main Chilean economic sectors are mining, manufacturing, fisheries, and construction
  12. Chile holds the third place among the ten most successful Latin American and Caribbean Countries in attracting the foreign direct investment (UNCTAD)
  13. The modern Chilean telecommunications systems, competitive banking sector, good public infrastructure, high-quality services, and skilled workers accessibility are top factors to attract the foreign direct investment
  14. Since 1990, the Government of Chile has implemented public policies to promote and consolidate businesslike and responsible macroeconomics management, economic openness, and international integration, steady institutions and equitable society in which all the Chilean can enjoy the benefits of economic development
  15. The Economic Growth of Chile has been followed by a severe drop in the public debt, stabilization of the Chilean foreign accounts and the increase of the Chilean international reserves
  16. These competitive advantages of Chile are reinforced by his open economy that has meant greater competitiveness, growing international trade and fast integration into the global markets
  17. Chile was the 30th most dynamic economy in the World

CENCOSUD is one of the largest distribution companies in Hispanic America, being present in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru, where the firm has developed a successful multi-strategy.


Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

Chilean International Trade.

  1. 40% of the Chilean foreign trade is made with Asia
  2. The main trading partners of Chile are China, Argentina, Brazil, U.S., Japan, and South Korea
  3. Top Chilean export products are copper, molybdenum, ferromolybdenum; pulp, salmon, and wine (these products represent 64% of the total Chilean exports)
  4. Fall in international prices of copper (6.9%)
  5. Increase of the agro-food exports
  6. In the last fifteen years, the Chilean services industry has generated more than 50% of the GDP of Chile
  7. Chilean service exports have increased at a rate of 6%
  8. Chile is a member of the APEC, TPP, Pacific Alliance

Foreign direct investment in Chile.

  1. Chile has received 22,002 million dollars in foreign direct investment, just behind Brazil and Mexico
  2. Almost 50% of the FDI received in Chile is invested in the mining sector
  3. Top destinations of the Chilean foreign direct investment: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and the U.S.
  4. New legal framework for the foreign direct investment

Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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