EENI Global Business School

Protocol Trade Negotiations (PTN)

Protocol Trade Negotiations Among Developing Countries (PTN)

  1. Introduction to the Protocol Relating to Trade Negotiations Among Developing Countries (PTN)
  2. Preferential Trade Agreement of the Protocol Relating to Trade Negotiations (PTN)

Continuing education (International Trade & Business)

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

Description - Protocol Relating to Trade Negotiations (PTN).

The objective of the Protocol Relating to Trade Negotiations (PTN) is to improve foreign trade between its member countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Serbia, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay.

  1. The Protocol Relating to Trade Negotiations (PTN) was signed in 1971
  2. The Protocol Relating to Trade Negotiations (PTN) is a Preferential Trade Agreement
  3. Covers: products, services and investments

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Topics covered by the Protocol on Trade Negotiations (PTN):

  1. Preferential tariffs
  2. Rules of origin
  3. Contingency measures
  4. Safeguards
  5. Most favored nation (MFN)
  6. National Treatment
  7. Market access
  8. National regulation
  9. Subsidies

Topics not covered: Anti-dumping Measures, countervailing duties, standards, foreign trade facilitation

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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