EENI Global Business School

Independence of Africa. Decolonization

African Diaspora. Pan-Africanism (Decolonization, A.A. Mazrui, Wondji)

  1. Ali Al'amin Mazrui (Kenya) and Christophe Wondji (Ivory Coast). Directors of Volume VIII (Africa since 1935)
  2. Decolonization of Africa
  3. Independence of African Countries
  4. The second World War and Africa
  5. Role of the African political parties
  6. New policy
  7. Decolonization Movements
  8. Civil wars, coups d'etat... (years 70)

Sample - Independence of African Countries (History of Africa)
Independence of Africa
Source: UNESCO General History of Africa.

African Students (Masters Foreign Trade)

The Subject “Decolonization and Independence of African Countries (UNESCO)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Master: Business in Africa.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate in African Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Afrique Independence Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese África Independencia Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish África Independencia.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

Topics discussed (Africa under colonial domination, 1880-1935).

  1. French, British, Portuguese, Belgian, and Spanish domination
  2. Fight for politics sovereignty
  3. Fight for economic independence
  4. Underdevelopment
  5. African agriculture
  6. Rural development
  7. Industrial development
  8. Urban growth
  9. Economic Decolonization
  10. Construction of the African Nations
  11. Social evolution and religion
  12. Arts, philosophy, and science in Africa
  13. Education
  14. The Pan-Africanism
  15. Africa and socialist and capitalist countries
  16. The UN and Africa

Ali Al'amin Mazrui

Authors of Volume VIII of the UNESCO General History of Africa (Decolonization and Independence): Sheikh Anta Diop, T. CHENNTOUF, I. HRBEK, J. SURET-CANAL, M. OWUSU, Djibril Tamsir Niane, Michael CROWDER, I. HRBEK, Elikia M'Bokolo, D. CHANAIWA, J. I. ELAIGWU, Joseph Ki-Zerbo, T. TSHIBANGU, A. A. MAZRUI, Jacob Festus Adeniyi Ajayi, A. HABTE, T. WAGAW, E. KODJO, D. CHINWEIZU, M. TWADDLE, Albert Adu Boahen Kwadwo, P. KIPRE, C. COQUERY-VIDROVITCH, A. ADEDEJI, J. VANSINA, S. K. B. ASANTE, I. DER THIAM, E. KWAM KOUASSI...

Related Africans and Afro-Americans:

  1. Leopold Sédar Senghor
  2. Aimé Césaire
  3. Marcus Garvey
  4. Wole Soyinka

African Civilization.

EENI African Business Portal.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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