EENI Global Business School

Marcus Garvey (Jamaica, Pan-Africanism)

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Syllabus of the Subject

Editor of journal Black World (Marcus Garvey) Back to Africa

  1. Marcus Garvey (Jamaican Black Leader, Catholic)
  2. The Pan-Africanist vision of Marcus Garvey

Sample - Marcus Garvey - Pan-Africanism (slave trade)
Marcus Garvey, Jamaican Black Leader, Pan-Africanist vision

E-learning Doctorate and Masters in International Business

The Subject “Marcus Garvey (Jamaica, Pan-Africanism)” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: American Business, African Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Master: Business in Africa.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Marcus Garvey Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Marcus Garvey Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Marcus Garvey.

Foreign Trade and Business in the Caribbean (CARICOM) and Cuba

Marcus Garvey (Black Leader, musician, and pan-Africanist) was born in 1887 in Jamaica; he died in 1949 (England).

“People without comprehension of their history, origin, and culture are like a tree without roots.” Marcus Garvey

  1. Racial segregation in Jamaica
  2. Colonization in Africa
  3. Foundation of Liberia
  4. For Rastafarian people, Marcus Garvey is a prophet (The Black Moses)
  5. Editor of the newspaper “The Negro world” (Black World)
  6. 1914: Travel to Europe and Latin America to meet “my black friends”
  7. 1916: Marcus Garvey travels to the U.S.; contacts with the movements of emancipation of the Afro-Americans
  8. 1917: Marcus Garvey founded the “Partnership for Enhancing Universal Negro Condition”
  9. Marcus Garvey is the author of the concept “Back to Africa”: the Afro-American sons of slaves will return to Africa

Religion: Marcus Garvey was Catholic (Christian)/African Orthodox Church

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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