EENI Global Business School

Business in Jordan, Amman, Port of Aqaba

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Syllabus of the Subject

Jordanian Economy and Foreign Trade. Randa Ayoubi. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

  1. Introduction to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Middle East)
  2. Jordanian Economy
    1. Jordanian Advantages
  3. Jordanian Foreign Trade
  4. Business in Amman
    1. Port of Aqaba
  5. Business Opportunities in Jordan
    1. Minerals (cement, phosphate, and potash)
    2. Electricity
    3. Communications
    4. Transport
    5. Tourism
    6. Industrial sector
  6. Investment in Jordan
    1. Privatization Process in Jordan
    2. Jordan Investment Commission
    3. Qualified Industrial Zones in Jordan
  7. The largest Jordanian companies
    1. Azadea Group
    2. Abu Khader Group
    3. MS Group
    4. Randa Ayoubi
  8. Access to the Jordanian market: distribution, customs, and regulations
  9. Business Plan for Jordan

International Trade and Business in Jordan:
Randa Ayoubi Businesswoman Jordan

The objectives of the subject “International Trade and Business in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan” are the following:

  1. To analyze the Jordanian Economy and Global Trade
  2. To identify business opportunities in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  3. To explore the Jordanian trade relations with the student's country
  4. To know the Jordanian Trade Agreements
  5. To examine the profile of Jordanian businesspeople and enterprises
  6. To develop a business plan for the Jordanian Market

Online Arab Student, Master International Business

The Subject “Foreign Trade and Business in Jordan” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: Islamic Business, World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Jordan Master International Business, Foreign Trade Master in International Business for the Jordanian Students.

  1. Credits of the subject “Doing Business in Jordan”: 1 ECTS Credits
  2. Duration: one week

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Jordania Study Doctorate in International Business in French Jordanie.

Foreign Trade and Business in the Middle East

Jordan: a logistics hub in the Middle East.

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Jordanian Preferential Access and Trade Agreements:

  1. Jordan and the Arab Economic Area
  2. Greater Arab Free-Trade Area (GAFTA)
  3. Jordan-Singapore Agreement
  4. Canada-Jordan Agreement
  5. U.S.-Jordan Agreement
  6. Islamic Trade Preferential System
  7. EU-Jordan Agreement
  8. Euro-Mediterranean Agreement
  9. Trade Agreements with Malaysia, Egypt, the EFTA, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey, and Syria
  10. Agadir Agreement
    1. Egypt-Jordan-Morocco-Tunisia Free Trade Agreement

European Union-Jordan Association Agreement

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

  1. WTO
    1. GATS
    2. Agreement on Sanitary Measures
    3. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
    4. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
    5. Agreement on Safeguards
    6. Trade Facilitation Agreement
  2. WCO
    1. Kyoto Convention
  3. Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods
  4. COTIF Convention (Rail)
  5. BIC
  6. Chicago Convention (ICAO)
  7. IMO
    1. Convention for Safe Containers
    2. Istanbul Convention
  8. Hamburg Rules (Sea)
  9. CIM & CIT Rules (Rail)
  10. IRU
    1. TIR Convention
    2. Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport
  11. Customs Convention on Containers - not a member

Islamic Organizations. Arab League

Islamic Organizations.

  1. Arab League
  2. Summit of South American-Arab Countries
  3. Asia-Middle East Dialogue
  4. Islamic Development Bank
  5. Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
  6. OIC
    1. Committee for Economic Cooperation
    2. Islamic Chamber of Commerce
    3. Islamic Centre for Development of Trade
    4. Economic Centre for Islamic Countries
  7. Afro-Arab Cooperation
  8. Arab Development Funds
  9. Arab Trade Financing Programme
  10. Arab Bank for Africa (BADEA)

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. UN
  2. WB
  3. WTO
  4. IMF

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

  1. Jordan shares borders with Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Palestine
  2. Arabic name: المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
  3. Jordan people are Arabs (98%)
  4. The official language of Jordan is Arab.
    1. English is widely spoken
  5. Capital of Jordan: Amman (4 million people)
  6. Jordanian population: 5.9 million people
  7. 87% of the Jordanian population is literate
  8. Jordanian Area: 92,300 km²
  9. Jordan is a Constitutional Monarchy
  10. Head of State of Jordan: King Abdullah
  11. Jordanian Independence: 1946

Religion in Jordan.

  1. Islam (Sunni Muslim) is the main religion of Jordan: 92% of the Jordanian population
  2. 6% of the population are Christians (Orthodox)
  3. Legal System of Jordan: Based on the Islamic Law and French codes

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

Jordan belongs to the Arab Economic Area.

  1. Jordanian Economy is experiencing a very high growth rates
  2. Jordan is the second Arab economy that has grown over the past fifty years
  3. Jordanian GDP growth: 3%
    1. Services sector: 68% of the total GDP
    2. Manufacturing: 25% of the Jordanian GDP
    3. Tourism sector: 14% of the GDP
  4. Inflation rate: 5.6%
  5. Free Market-Oriented Economy
  6. Deep privatization of the largest state-owned enterprises
  7. The largest Jordanian port is the Port of Aqaba
  8. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has significant natural resources, but its business sector is not well established, their economy is very open
  9. According to the Heritage Foundation, the Index of Economic Freedom of Jordan was 52
  10. There are substantial trade and investment opportunities in construction, public sector, and commercial sector
  11. According to the Central Bank of Jordan the services sector, including construction, accounts for 71.9% of the GDP
  12. Jordanian tourism has become increasingly important in the recent years (between 8 and 10% of the Jordanian GDP)
  13. In the recent years the most dynamic sector of the Jordanian economy has been the construction sector
  14. Jordanian industry comprises a broad range of products: meat products, fruits, vegetables, dairy, animal food, confectionery, soft drinks, snuff, olive oil, alcohol, and others
  15. Jordan exports only 15% of his production
  16. Currency: Jordanian dinar (JOD)
  17. Deregulated telecommunication Market

Abu khader Group Jordan

Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

Jordanian Foreign Trade.

  1. The main suppliers of Jordan were Saudi Arabia (21%), China (10%), Germany (6%), the U.S. (4%), Egypt (4%), South Korea (3%) Italy (3%), India (3%), Japan (2.9%), and Turkey (2%)
  2. The EU accounts for 24% of the Jordanian imports
  3. The largest export markets of Jordan were India (20%), the U.S. (16%), Iraq (13%), Saudi Arabia (7%), the UAE (3%), and Syria (3%)
  4. Jordanian main exports are apparel and clothing, fertilizers, vegetables, and pharmaceutical products
  5. Jordanian main imports are Mineral fuels, nuclear reactors, electrical machinery, and vehicles
  6. Qualifying Industrial Zones: free access to the U.S. market
  7. Free Zones (Aqaba and Zarqa)


Jordan has more Trade Agreements than any other Arab country: the U.S., Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Egypt, the EFTA, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey, and Syria.

More Trade Agreements are provided with Iraq, Palestine, the GCC countries, Lebanon, and Pakistan.

EFTA-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement

Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

Singapore Jordan Free Trade Agreement

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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