EENI Global Business School

Research Area: Orthodoxy and Business

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Subjects of the Research Area “Orthodoxy: Ethics and Business” (3 ECTS) of the Online Doctorate

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Doctorate in Ethics, Religions, and Business: Global Ethics, Islam, Christianity, Indian Religions, Buddhism, Chinese Religions, Orthodoxy, Other Religions. Thesis.

Orthodox Christianity, Ethics and Global Business

The module “Orthodoxy: Ethics and Business” taught by EENI Global Business School consists of two parts:

Orthodox Ethics and Business

1- Orthodox Christianity (PDF).

  1. Introduction to Orthodoxy
  2. The Pillars of the Orthodox Christianity
  3. Orthodox Christian Church
  4. Influence of the Orthodox Ethics on Business
  5. Orthodox Businessmen
    1. Vladimir Potanin
    2. Helena Baturina
    3. Alexander Lebedev
    4. Onsi Sawiris
    5. Nayla Hayek
    6. Mimi Alemayehou
  6. Leo Tolstoy: Leader of the Non-Violence (Ahimsa)

Download the syllabus “Orthodoxy” (PDF).

Why study “Orthodoxy and Business”?.

  1. Economic Area of the Orthodox Civilization (PDF)
  2. Russia: The Central State of the Orthodox Civilization
  3. Economic Profile of the Orthodox Countries: Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine
  4. Economic Integration of the Orthodox Civilization
  5. Interactions of the Orthodox Civilization with the other civilizations

Download the syllabus “Orthodox Economic Area” (PDF).

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E-learning Course Master, International Business

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Doctorado en Religiones y Negocios Internacionales Study Doctorate in International Business in French Doctorat en éthique, religions et affaires Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Doutoramento em Ética, Religiões e Negócios.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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