EENI Global Business School

Greater Pearl River Delta, Guangdong

High end processes in Hong Kong, production base in Mainland China (Pearl River Delta) Macau

  1. Introduction to the Greater Pearl River Delta Region (China)
  2. Economy and international trade of the Greater Pearl River Delta
  3. Investment in the Greater Pearl River Delta
  4. Advantages: High-end processes in Hong Kong, production base in the Mainland
  5. Economic Profile of the main cities in the Greater Pearl River Delta:
    1. Zhuhai
    2. Foshan
    3. Huizhou
    4. Dongguan
    5. Zhongshan
    6. Qingyuan
  6. Case Study:
    1. TCL Corporation
    2. Midea Group
    3. Hisense Kelon Electrical
  7. Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA China-Hong Kong)
    1. CEPA's Impact on the Hong Kong economy (Trade in Services)

Transport Corridors:

  1. Nanning-Singapore Logistics Corridor
    1. Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone
  2. Access to the East-West Corridor (Myanmar-Vietnam)

Asia Masters, Doctorate (Global Business, Foreign Trade)

The Subject “Greater Pearl River Delta” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Course: Taoism, Confucianism & Business.

Taoism, Confucianism and Business

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish China Study Doctorate in International Business in French China Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese China.

  1. Credits of the Subject “The Greater Pearl River Delta”: 1 ECTS Credits

Foreign Trade and Business in China

High-end processes in Hong Kong and their production base in the Mainland.

The Greater Pearl River Delta Region comprises Hong Kong, nine municipalities of the Guangdong Province (Mainland China) and Macau (Special Administrative Region of China).

  1. Many global companies are creating facilities in the Greater Pearl River Delta Region, taking profit of the benefits of this multi-jurisdiction and cost-efficient business model
  2. Companies situated in the Greater Pearl River Delta can source or manufacture competitively in China and use logistical, financial, legal, design and marketing services of Hong Kong to export their products to the global market
  3. Many foreign enterprises use Hong Kong and the Greater Pearl River Delta as their distribution base for selling goods and services into China
  4. About 59,000 companies in Hong Kong have their industrial units in the Mainland, of which 53,000 factories are in Guangdong Province (a cluster in the Pearl River Delta)
  5. Hong Kong is one of the largest recipients and suppliers of foreign direct investment in the World and is the single largest foreign direct investment source (FDI) in the Mainland
  6. Guangdong, as the province enjoying the largest share of FDI of Mainland, is becoming an ideal place for investment
  7. The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone is the leading exporter and importer among the major regions of the Mainland

The nine municipalities of the Mainland:

  1. Dongguan
  2. Foshan
  3. Guangzhou
  4. Huizhou
  5. Jiangmen
  6. Shenzhen
  7. Zhaoqing
  8. Zhongshan
  9. Zhuhai

Zhuhai City (Southern Guangdong) is one of the earliest special economic areas in China and the new and hi-tech industrial: electronics, computer software, biotechnology and pharmacy, machinery, and equipment as well as petrochemical industries.

Foshan City is the third largest manufacturing base in the Pearl River Delta. The main sectors are household electrical appliance and tool manufacturing, Furniture, Non-metal ore and manufacturing, electronics and communications, Stainless steel products, Plastic products, Ceramics.

Dongguan City is situated in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province, in the middle of the Guangzhou - Shenzhen - Hong Kong Economic Corridor. Dongguan is not only a modern Information Technology City but also an internationally reputed manufacturing centre.

Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, China, ASEAN, Brunei Philippines Indonesia

Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)

  1. Signed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Central People's Government, CEPA marks a new era of economic cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland China
  2. The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement entry into force in 2004
  3. The Partnership Arrangement allows preferential access to the Chinese Mainland market and reduces the tariffs for some enterprises and individuals operating in Hong Kong
  4. The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement opens up large markets for Hong Kong export products and services
  5. all the export products of Hong Kong origin importing into the Chinese Mainland benefit from tariff free treatment
  6. Under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement, service suppliers in Hong Kong benefit from a preferential treatment

China-Hong Kong Agreement

Chinese economy - China ports - China Customs - Beijing - Shanghai.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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