China Customs. Import/Export ProceduresChinese Customs: supervises all arrivals and departures from China
Sample - China Customs The Subject “China Customs” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade. Course: Taoism, Confucianism & Business. Languages: or Aduanas Chinas China China.
The main objective of China Customs (the Chinese public agency) is to supervise and manage the international trade from the Customs territory of the Mainland China. China Customs practices a centralized management structure. The principal tasks of China Customs are:
The revenue collected by the Customs of China includes:
China Customs have played a significant position in the conception and implementation of the import and export tariff schedule and preferential tax policies, CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements with Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR), negotiations on Free Trade Agreements, implementation of rules of origin, zero import tariff treatment for fruits originating from Taiwan Province, and other relevant policies and measures.
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |