EENI Global Business School

Chile-Ecuador Economic Complementation Agreement

Ecuador-Chile (expanded economic space) Remove trade barriers

  1. Introduction to the Economic Complementation Agreement between Ecuador and Chile (AAP.CE Nº 65)
  2. Foreign Trade between Chile and Ecuador
  3. Chile-Ecuador Agreement
  4. Certificate of Origin of the Chile-Ecuador Agreement

Sample - Economic Complementation Agreement Nº65 between Chile and Ecuador
Chile-Ecuador Economic Complementation Agreement

Continuing education (International Trade & Business)

The Subject “Chile-Ecuador Economic Complementation Agreement” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: Global Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Chile-Ecuador Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Chile Study Doctorate in International Business in French Chili.

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

In 1994, Chile and Ecuador signed an Economic Complementarity Agreement (ACE N˚32).

The objectives of the Economic Complementarity Agreement are:

  1. To create an expanded economic space and
  2. To improve trade relations between Chile and Ecuador

In 2010, the new Economic Complementation Agreement Nº65 between Chile and Ecuador entered into force (replacing ACE N˚32) including:

  1. Foreign Trade in services
  2. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  3. Modernization of the dispute settlement mechanism

The objectives of the Economic Complementation Agreement Nº65 between Chile and Ecuador are:

  1. To strength the economic and  trade relations between Chile and Ecuador
  2. To remove the trade barriers and facilitate the cross-border movement of export products and services between Chile and Ecuador
  3. To increase the foreign direct investment opportunities in Chile and Ecuador

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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