EENI Global Business School

Syllabus of the Subject

Amadou Hampaté Bá, Mali, Ethnologist

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In Africa, when an old man dies, a library disappears (Amadou Hampaté Bá)

“In Africa, when an old man dies; it is a library burning” Amadou Hampaté Bá

  1. Amadou Hampaté Bá (Malian Historian and poet, Muslim): one of the greatest sages and scholars of the African culture
  2. His book “Jesus as viewed by a Muslim”: The pillar for the Dialogue between Islam and Christianity in Africa
  3. His works on the African oral traditions

Amadou Hampaté Bá (African Historian)
Ahmadou Hampaté Bá, Ethnologist (Mali) In Africa, when an old man dies, a library disappears

Student, Online Doctorate in International Business

The Subject “Amadou Hampaté Bá (Malian historian)” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Business in West Africa.

Foreign Trade and Business in West Africa

Masters: Business in Africa.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate in African Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Paterson Ngatchou - EENI Strategic Alliances with educational institutions
EENI Partnerships with Educational Institutions

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Amadou Hampaté Bá Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Amadou Hampaté Bá Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Amadou Hampaté Bá.

The Malian Historian, ethnologist, poet and storyteller Amadou Hampaté Bá (Fula), was born in 1900 in Mali; he died in 1991 in Ivory Coast. Amadou Hampaté Bá was one of the great scholars of African culture.

Amadou Hampaté Bá was a specialist in the oral traditions, author of numerous books on the ancient African Empires and Civilization.

In his book “Jesus as Viewed by a Muslim” he wrote about the tolerance and the Inter-religious dialogue:

“My role is, above all, whenever I have the opportunity to meet a believer - whether he is my Christian brother, my Judaist brother, My Buddhist brother, my brother of the traditional religions - to start listening. It is time, I think, to forget our differences, to discover what we have in common and try to build from there, what could be the religious society of tomorrow.

Everyone must continue himself fully and reach God in his way” Amadou Hampaté Bá

Sri Ramakrishna principle:

Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and International Business. Jainism

Specializations of Amadou Hampaté Bá:

  1. African Civilization
  2. African oral traditions
  3. Ancient Empires of West Africa
  4. Transcription of the African languages

More information about Amadou Hampaté Bá:

  1. Religion: Amadou Hampaté Bá was Muslim
  2. Ethnic group: Peul
  3. Studies: Quranic school (Mali) and School of Education (Senegal)
  4. Ethnologist (Institute Fundamental of Black Africa)
  5. Founder of the Institute of Human Sciences (Bamako)
  6. Member of the Executive Council of the UNESCO (1962- 1970)
  7. Co-President with Djibril Tamsir Niane of the symposiums organized by the SCOA Foundation

Main books of Amadou Hampaté Bá:

  1. Kaïdara, Peul initiatory story
  2. Life and Teachings of Tierno Bokar, the wise of Bandiagara
  3. Peul Empire of Macina
  4. Jesus as viewed by a Muslim
  5. What is dust? Stories and Tales of Mali
  6. Amkoullel, a Fulani boy

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

More information about Mali (EENI African Business Portal).

  1. Gao, Kayes, Kidal, Koulikoro
  2. Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso, Timbuktu

Amadou Hampaté Bá was an African Historian of the West African Economic Area.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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