Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Chile-Australia Agreement Trade in goods, services
- Introduction to the Australia-Chile Agreement
- Rules of Origin of the Australia-Chile Agreement
- Regional Value Content
- Benefits of the Agreement for the Australian exporters
- Foreign Trade and Foreign Direct Investment between Australia and Chile
Sample - Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

The Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement entered into force in 2009.
- The Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement covers Foreign Trade in goods, services, and foreign direct investment
- The Australia-Chile FTA eliminates instantly the tariffs on 92% of the tariff lines covering 97% of Chilean export products
Summary of the Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement.
- National Treatment and Market access for products
- Rules of Origin and certificate of origin
- Customs Administration
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Technical Regulations, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Procedures
- Trade Remedies
- Cross-Border Trade in Services
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Telecommunications
- Financial Services
- Temporary Entry for Businessman
- Competition Policy
- Government Procurement
- E-Commerce
- Cooperation
- Transparency
- Institutional agreements
- Dispute Settlement
Foreign Trade between Australia and Chile.
- Chile is the third largest trade partner of Australia in Hispanic America, with a bilateral trade of USD 1,275 billion
- Total trade in goods reached USD 883 million
- The main Australian exports to Chile include coal (USD 136 million), beef, civil engineering equipment, specialized machinery, and parts
- Australian Imports from Chile: USD 552 million
- The main import products are copper (USD 295 million), lead ores and concentrates, pulp and waste paper, and wood
- Foreign trade in services: USD 413 million, of which Australian service exports to Chile were USD 170 million
- Australia is the fourth largest foreign investor in Chile, with
USD 3 billion of foreign direct investment
- Australian Foreign direct investment in Chile: 2,136 Australian USD
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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