EENI Global Business School

Introduction to Accounting

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Syllabus of the Subject

Introduction to Accounting for International Business

Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

The Subject “Introduction to Accounting for International Business” consists of five units:

Unit 1. Key concepts related to accounting

  1. The companies
  2. What is accounting for?

Unit 2. The patrimony of the company

  1. Patrimonial elements
  2. Assets, liabilities and net
  3. Inventory

Unit 3. Structure of Accounts:

  1. Accounts
  2. Double-entry accounting
  3. General journal

Unit 4. Accounting Management.

  1. Comparison of accounting systems in the world
  2. Case study: organization and harmonization of corporate accounting of the OHADA
  3. General accounting plan in force in the student's region
  4. VAT treatment
  5. Depreciation and amortisation

Unit 5.- Balances:

  1. Balance sheet
  2. Income statement (profit and loss statement)

The objectives of the subject “Introduction to Accounting for International Business” are the following:

  1. To introduce the student to the basics of accounting
  2. To know how to interpret balance sheets and income statements
  3. To compare the main existing accounting systems
  4. To familiarise the student with the general accounting plan used in the region
  5. To provide all the necessary knowledge for accounting basic operations of a company

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

  1. Credits of the Subject “Introduction to Accounting for International Business”: 4 ECTS
  2. Duration: 4 weeks

Knowledge Area: International Trade.

Introduction to Accounting for International Business
Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) Contracts for carriage of goods by road

Introduction to Accounting for International Business.

The companies are the business units that combine the productive factors to obtain products and services that can be sold both in the domestic market and in the global market. The world of International Business needs companies that produce products and services. The more companies there are in the world, the more business will be done, and International Trade will increase.

Companies, therefore, buy and sell products and services, hire staff, etc.

That is why they need to manage and record, their expenses, their income and their results (both positive and negative). This is where the role of accounting comes into play.

Accounting is to record all the economic events occurring in a company. It serves to provide as much information as possible about what has happened in the company over a period about the status of the company at a given time.

The accounting allows collecting all the information of the relations that the company maintains with third parties. It also serves to reflect the assets of the company, which allows control of all the transactions carried out and whether profits or losses are obtained, providing managers with the necessary information to carry out the management of the company.

The information provided by the accounting system concerns the entrepreneur, the shareholders, potential investors (to calculate the return on investment), the banks (ask the financial statements when the company requests funding to know the ability to return it), to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (to know if the company fulfils its fiscal obligations adequately), suppliers and creditors (to verify that the company will be able to face his payments), etc.

Import-export companies must know at all times to analyze their movements. A good accounting management will allow them to know if they are doing well, access financing, negotiate payments, etc.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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