EENI Global Business School

Business in Montserrat. Montserratian Economy

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Syllabus of the Subject

Montserratian Foreign Trade, Business in Plymouth and Brades (Montserrat)

  1. Introduction to Montserrat (The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean)
  2. Business in Plymouth and Brades
  3. Montserratian Economy
  4. Montserratian Foreign Trade
  5. Business Opportunities in Montserrat
  6. Access to the Montserratian Market
  7. Business Plan for Montserrat

The objectives of the subject «Doing Business in Montserrat» are the following:

  1. To analyze the Montserratian Economy and Global Trade
  2. To explore the Business Opportunities in Montserrat
  3. To analyze the trade relations of Montserrat with the student's country
  4. To know the Trade Agreements of Montserrat
  5. To develop a business plan for the Montserratian Market

E-learning Courses, Diplomas (Global Business, Foreign Trade)

The Subject «Foreign Trade and Business in Montserrat» belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English (Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Montserrat Study Doctorate in International Business in French Montserrat Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Montserrat).

Foreign Trade and Business in the Caribbean (CARICOM) and Cuba

International Trade and Business in Montserrat.

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Preferential Access and Trade Agreements of Montserrat:

  1. Montserrat and the Caribbean Economic Area
    1. CARIFORUM-EU Agreement
    2. Colombia-CARICOM Agreement (Montserrat)
    3. CARICOM-Dominican Republic Agreement
    4. Costa Rica-CARICOM Agreement (Montserrat)
    5. UK-CARIFORUM Free Trade and Economic Integration Agreement
  3. Caribbean Basin Initiative
    1. The U.S.-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act
  4. Caribbean-Canada Trade Agreement
  5. OECS

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

  1. WTO
    1. GATS
    2. Agreement on Sanitary Measures
    3. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
    4. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
    5. Agreement on Safeguards
    6. Trade Facilitation Agreement
  2. Is not a member of the WCO
    1. Kyoto Convention

Latin American Economic Integration

  1. CELAC
  2. ECLAC
  3. Inter-American Development Bank
  4. OAS

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. Commonwealth
  2. UN
  3. WB
  4. WTO
  5. IMF
  6. ...

  1. Overseas Territory of the UK (British Overseas Territory, under the supervision of the UN Decolonization Committee)
  2. Type of government: Constitutional monarchy (Queen Elizabeth II, Commonwealth)
  3. Montserratian Capital: Plymouth and Brades
  4. Parishes: Saint Peter, Saint Georges and Saint Anthony
  5. Montserrat does not share land borders with any country
  6. Nearest countries to Montserrat by sea: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica and Puerto Rico (U.S.)
  7. Area of Montserrat: 102 km²
  8. Population of Montserrat: 5.200 inhabitants
    1. Montserratian Population density: 90 inhabitants / km²
    2. 88% of the population has an African origin
  9. Official language of Montserrat: English (Montserratian Creole)
    1. French Creole is also used
  10. Abolition of Slavery in Montserrat: 1834
  11. Climate of Montserrat: equatorial wet
  12. 1494: discovery by the Spanish (Montserrat: Catalan mountain near Barcelona)
  13. 1632: British colonization

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Main religion in Montserrat: Christianity - Protestantism (45% of the Montserratian Population).

Montserrat belongs to the Caribbean Economic Area.

Foreign Trade and Business in Montserrat, Caribbean

Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

Montserratian Economy and Foreign Trade

  1. Severe volcanic eruption in 1995: economic collapse
  2. An economy based on fishing and tourism
  3. Montserratian Currency: East Caribbean dollar
  4. Country code top-level domain of Montserrat: .ms
  5. Main Exports of Montserrat: electronic components, plastic bags, clothing, hot peppers, limes, live plants and livestock
  6. Main imports of Montserrat: machinery and transport equipment, food, manufactured products, fuels and lubricants
  7. John A. Osborne Airport

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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