EENI Global Business School

Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

Agreement for Strengthening Economic Partnership, Mexico-Japan

  1. Introduction to the Agreement for the Strengthening of the Economic Partnership between Mexico and Japan
  2. Protocol Amending the Agreement
  3. Japan-Mexico Agreement
  4. Regional Value Content
  5. Certificate of Origin
  6. Economic relationships between Mexico and Japan
  7. Japanese Exports to Mexico
  8. Japanese investments in Mexico
  9. メキシコと日本の経済連携協定

Sample - Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
Japan-Mexico Economic Partnership Agreement

Asia Masters, Doctorate (Global Business, Foreign Trade)

The Subject “Mexico-Japan Economic Agreement” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish México-Japón Study Doctorate in International Business in French Japon Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Mexico.

Mexican Economy, Carlos Slim, Competitive Advantages, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua...

Foreign Trade and Business in Mexico

The Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force in 2005.

The objectives of the Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement are to:

  1. liberalize and facilitate the International trade in goods and services between Mexico and Japan
  2. Increase the Foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities
  3. Improve the opportunities for the exporters to participate in the Government procurement
  4. Promote the cooperation and coordination for the efficient competition laws enforcement between Mexico and Japan
  5. Create an efficient procedures for the implementation and operation of the Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and dispute resolution
  6. Establish a framework for the further bilateral cooperation

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

The Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement covers:

  1. Bilateral trade in products
  2. National Treatment
  3. Customs Duties elimination
  4. Rules and certificate of origin
  5. Customs Procedures
  6. Trade Facilitation
  7. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  8. Cross-Border Trade in Services
  9. Financial services
  10. Government Procurement
  11. Dispute Settlement
  12. Payments transfers and restrictions to the Safeguards balance of payments

Foreign Trade Mexico-Japan.

  1. The Mexican exports to Japan shows a new record
  2. Exports growth 10.4%
  3. The Japanese exports to Mexico were 13.4 billion dollars
  4. The main sectors attracting the foreign direct investments of Japan are automotive and auto parts, electronics, metallurgic, machinery, agribusiness, and information technology services

Mexico belongs to the Hispanic American Economic Area and Japan to the Japanese civilization.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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