American Trade and Economic Organizations. Dominica is a member of...
Organization of American States (OAS)
Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC)
Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)
Global Organizations:
World Bank
World Trade Organization (WTO)
International Monetary Fund
United Nations
Commonwealth of Dominica.
Dominica is a French Overseas Territory (PTOUM)
Dominican Capital: Roseau
Largest cities: Roseau, Canefield and Portsmouth
Dominican Parishes: Saint Andrew, Saint David, Saint George, Saint John, Saint Joseph, Saint Luke, Saint Mark, Saint Patrick, Saint Paul and Saint Peter
Dominica does not share land borders with any country
Nearest countries to Dominica by sea: Guadalupe and Martinique
Area of Dominica: 751 km²
Population of Dominica: 74,000 inhabitants
Dominican Population density: 105 inhabitants / km²
The majority of the population has an African origin (African Diaspora)
The majority of the population is of African origin (African Diaspora)
Official language of Dominica: English
French Creole
is widely used
Abolition of Slavery in Dominica: 1834
Climate of Dominica: tropical
1493: discovery by the Spanish (Dominica derives from Sunday, the day that
Christopher Columbus discover the Island)
XVII century: French colonization. Foundation of Rouseau