EENI Global Business School

Dalai Lama. Tibetan Buddhism. Nobel Peace

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Syllabus of the Subject

Non-Violence Vision (Ahimsa) Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism. Bodhisattva

  1. His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Tibetan Buddhism, spiritual leader)
  2. Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Dalai Lama
  3. Vision of the Non-Violence (Ahimsa) of the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Tibetan Buddhism) Nobel Peace Prize
Dalai Lama (Tibetan Buddhism)

Asia Masters, Doctorate (Global Business, Foreign Trade)

The Subject “Dalai Lama (Buddhism)” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Course: Buddhism, Ethics and Business.

Buddhism and Global Business

Bhagavad Gita Courses

Doctorate: Ethics, Religion & Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Master: Religions & Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Dalai Lama Study Doctorate in International Business in French Dalai Lama Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Dalai Lama.

Why study “Buddhism and Business”?.

Bhagavad Gita, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. Nonell
Gita Institute.

Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and International Business. Jainism Harmony of Religions. Sri Ramakrishna Principle and Global Business

Tenzin Gyatso (1935) is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism (Buddhist Civilization); he was proclaimed the XIV Dalai Lama at the age of five years. In 1989; he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Under the vision of non-violence (Ahimsa) he is vegetarian. He has written over a hundred books.

Tibetan Buddhists belongs to Mahayana family; they associate the Dalai Lama to a Bodhisattva of compassion or Avalokiteshvara (one who renounces personal salvation to save humanity).

In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “his consistent resistance to the use of violence in his people's struggle to regain freedom.”

“Violence can only breed more violence and suffering.”

“I believe the Nobel Prize is a recognition of the true value of altruism, love, compassion and non-violence, which I try to practice, in accordance with the teachings of Buddha.

“I accept it as a tribute to the man who founded the modern tradition of non-violent action for change Mahatma Gandhi whose life taught and inspired me” Dalai Lama.

In 2011, His Holiness the Dalai Lama renounced any political office of the Tibetan Government in exile, to continue only a spiritual and religious leader.

The fifteenth Dalai Lama and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu met in Canada.

Religions and Business - Buddhist ethics.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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